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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wants vrs Needs


Wants are things that make the experience of human life better, they are not necessities. Whereas needs are necessities to live. An example of a want is going on vacation, you do not need to go spend a week somewhere but people want to. This type of want increases peoples carbon footprint by a lot. Needs can also constitute as want, for example we need food, but we don’t necessarily need fast food multiple times. According to Budgeting Needs vs Wants: A How-to Guide your needs should always come before your wants, but that is not how it always goes. People would rather have fun and spend more money than stay home and only buy the essentials. Human beings typically have a tendency to confuse wants and needs. While we need a pair of shoes, we don’t need 12. Another example could be technology; technology nowadays is essential to schoolwork. However, we do not need to replace technology everytime something new comes out. A lot of people have privileges that they do not even realize, so some of their “needs' ' are really just wants but they have never had to live without them, so it has become part of their way of life. To improve our carbon footprint we need to learn how to differentiate wants and needs. We also need to learn to place limits on certain needs and not go overboard. We could do this by making Wants vs. Needs an issue and places it into the mainstream media. We should prioritize this all around the world, not just in our community. Ways we could do this is by putting it on billboards, getting the government to talk about it. Along with getting to younger audiences by making this a more prominent thing in schools that gets talked about frequently. While we teach about reducing our carbon footprints, we must also learn to do it ourselves. In the future we must strive to make our impact on planet Earth better!

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