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Sustainable City

Here's your chance not just to be the mayor, but the original city planner as well! Imagine a medium sized city that would be developed with modern, low carbon transportation in mind, and other strategies to reduce the average citizens' carbon footprints.

What would that city look like? Would that make you more likely to want to live there?

Sustainable City >

Sustainable City


To make the city more eco-sustainable, we should all use means of transport that do not pollute like bicycles as much as possible. These are excellent if you have short trips to make, but if the trips are longer it is better to avoid the car and take some public transport to reduce pollution.

maren lindgren

I agree with this completely. I think that it would be amazing if more cities could incorporate opportunities for more eco-friendly transportation like biking and walking. In addition to eco-friendly transportation cities could even take it a step further and make buildings more sustainable to help conserve energy and water. Solar panels are a great addition to homes and buildings. My house has solar panels and 70% of our electricity/energy is generated from the sun. Not only is this eco-friendly, but it helps lower our electric bill each month. If more buildings used solar panels it would help the environment and be more cost efficient. Another thing that I think would be a great addition to buildings would be a water conservation system, complete with things like rain catching technologies (ex. rain basin). These technologies would be cost efficient and help to conserve water. The water caught by these technologies could be used for things like pluming. To sum it up, I think that eco-friendly transportation and also sustainable water and energy systems would help to lower a cities overall carbon footprint, and I think that more cities should start implementing these things to be more climate conscious.

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