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April 2024 ISCFC Teacher Planning and Discussion

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Teacher Planning Discussion >

Carbon footprint relative to greenhouse gasses and climate change.


What have you learned over the past 3 days about your carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, and climate change? How do they all relate to each other?

In the past week, I have learned a lot of new things about not only myself but about how things are affected by the things I do daily. Whether it's how I get to school or what I eat daily, the world is always affected. My carbon footprint was shallow before I filled out the transportation aspect of it. Before the transportation part, I was sitting around 3,000 kgs. After the transportation aspect of it, it shot up to 11,000. This made me realize not only how much I drive every day, but how much planes affect the atmosphere. With an average of 9,000 kgs per person, our earth is becoming filled with toxicity more and more. The greenhouse gases capture these CO2 emissions from going into space. This is causing our planet to become hotter and hotter filled with these gasses. This has a clear effect on our climate and how it is changing. An article by Environmental Science Journal for Teens says that the Carbon that we put into our atmosphere each day, is being caught by greenhouse gasses, the carbon is trapped inside our atmosphere ultimately heating the atmosphere of our earth and causing climate change. We are already seeing the effects of this and we need change to happen soon before it's to late

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