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Teacher Planning Discussion
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Do Lights really need to be on during school hours?

he is not necessary to open the lights during the school day because we will pay a high bill while the day we have the sun for enlighten us

Rooms such as the bathrooms (which at my school don’t have windows) needs lights in them, as well as most hallways and gymnasiums. But I do think that some rooms in the school should have their lights out, such as regular classrooms. On sunny days, the classrooms at my school are well lit and I find that I prefer when the lights are off because it creates a calmer environment with dimmer lighting. But not every school is the same and some classrooms have small windows, which wouldn’t let in enough light. And often where I am from, it is rainy or cloudy so without the lights on in the classrooms, it can get very dark. Instead of focusing on the lights at school, teachers and school administrators could try and switch from doing schoolwork on paper sheets to working more online. This would reduce the remand for paper and cut down deforestation, which is one of the leading causes to climate change.

Some rooms need lights but lots of times lights are unnecessary especially since we’re in the middle of the day while we’re at school. You’d probably need better windows and other stuff. But yes they do because say there is bad weather you’ll need to have them because what light is the sun going to shine?

Over the past 3 days, I have learned a lot about my carbon footprint and how it is affecting climate change. To begin I learned that a carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide you are putting into the atmosphere. Based on taking the carbon footprint quiz on i2sea I learned that things I do like taking flights to travel, charging my phone overnight, or even just leaving a light on in my room are contributing negatively to the earth. In addition, you may think that it's not that big of a deal I'm just one person, but if more and more people think that way it will have a detrimentally negative effect on our planet. To add on the article "More stuff = more climate change?" describes how every item that we purchase or consume releases greenhouse gas emissions during its production and transport. Similarly in class when we took notes on greenhouse gasses it described how they can move with infrared energy, which is heat. All things considered, buying less stuff and educating yourself on the simple things that are adding to your carbon footprint can help reduce global warming.

During this project, I learned a lot about my carbon footprint and what causes it. After doing this project I will try to live a more sustainable life in many different ways.

What have you learned over the past 3 days about your carbon footprint, greenhouse gases, and climate change? How do they all relate to each other?
In the past week, I have learned a lot of new things about not only myself but about how things are affected by the things I do daily. Whether it's how I get to school or what I eat daily, the world is always affected. My carbon footprint was shallow before I filled out the transportation aspect of it. Before the transportation part, I was sitting around 3,000 kgs. After the transportation aspect of it, it shot up to 11,000. This made me realize not only how much I drive every day, but how much planes affect the atmosphere. With an average of 9,000 kgs per person, our earth is becoming filled with toxicity more and more. The greenhouse gases capture these CO2 emissions from going into space. This is causing our planet to become hotter and hotter filled with these gasses. This has a clear effect on our climate and how it is changing. An article by Environmental Science Journal for Teens says that the Carbon that we put into our atmosphere each day, is being caught by greenhouse gasses, the carbon is trapped inside our atmosphere ultimately heating the atmosphere of our earth and causing climate change. We are already seeing the effects of this and we need change to happen soon before it's to late

My 6th grade Earth Science students have used the ISCFC to jump-start designing their own environmental campaigns. Looking forward to sharing and hearing from other groups as well!

Hi Ms. Rossi!

I am a middle and high school teacher at a small rural school in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (we call it the UP). I teach 7th-11th grade, but will be focusing on Biology students for this project. I have been attempting to start a recycling program at our school, which is difficult because the closest recycling place is pretty far away and in the opposite direction I travel to school. I commute 140 miles a day to teach at my school, therefore, i anticipate my own carbon footprint to be high. Are teachers able to add to the footprint calculator?

Hello and welcome to the ISCFC! Yes, anyone can calculate their footprints and save their data with our calculator -- including teachers

Hello from the Lower Pennisula! I live in southeast MI. Glad to see a fellow Michigander! My Algebra 2 students are participating as part of our data analysis unit.

Nobody likes litter

I agree we should find ways to clean up the world’s trash in ways that don’t hurt the environment. Because I feel like some of the ways we try to clean up the trash put more carbon in the atmosphere.

One way to reduce your carbon footprint is to stop buying into fast fashion and thrift your clothes and donate your old clothes to shelters. https://www.constellation.com/energy-10 … print.html

I feel that in school, we are consistently lectured about CO2 emissions and how the environment is changing due to Green House Gases. However, I feel that students are rarely taught how they can personally help the environment. Maybe a change from showing the effects on the environment to what we can do about it would help a lot more than some think.

Teaching theoretical concepts in an applied way represents a challenge for the educator. These notions related to climate change, the greenhouse effect, pollution, ecological footprint, sustainability, etc. must be approached in an integrative, interdisciplinary way, emphasizing the causes of these phenomena.

Do you think that global warming will increase in the future or decrease?

Hey there bowd. Great thoughts here. I think that global warming will keep increasing until we do something to stop it. Since some people don't believe in global warming this means it could get bad so we need to stop it.

Hey guys! I totally agree with Barlo’s thoughts here, there is plenty of things the average human can do to stop the amount of Co2 emissions, for example washing your clothes with cooler water, and drying those clothes on a drying rack instead of using a dryer. I do thin that global warming will increase, just based on past events and how hard it is to get everyone on the same page.

How will co2 emission affect your surroundings in your lifetime?

We need to protect marine life! Imagine your home being contaminated by others, which is what marine animals are experiencing. Stop polluting the ocean by throwing trash in it. The ocean is not a garbage can, it's home to other creatures and if we continue doing our ways the one that is going to suffer is us.

I completely agree! We did an ocean clean-up not too long ago, and just seeing the amount of trash that we picked up was just devastating! My team and I picked up more than 300 plastic water bottles that day. It's extremely important that we keep our oceans and marine wildlife safe. The trash bins are there for a reason, use them.

I also agree because it is something as easy as putting trash in the bin. It is very avoidable as well. Throwing your trash in the bin is the least we can do for the environment.