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October 2024 ISCFC Teacher Planning and Discussion

Welcome teachers!! Please REGISTER on the forum (using the 'Log in / Join' link in the banner at above right), and then use this discussion to introduce yourself to the other teacher participants in the ISCFC. In so doing, you can practice posting and commenting on other posts.

If you have any Footprint resources to share among the group, please post them here.

To find all the teacher resources related to the ISCFC, go to the ISCFC Teacher Participation page.

Teacher Planning Discussion >

Hello from Connecticut


Hello, I am Melinda, co-foudner and educator at CT Experiential Learning Center (CELC) Middle School.  We are a small, experientially-based school with 8 full-time students.  Looking toward to meeting others and taking part.


Hello Melinda and welcome!  Looking forward to meeting your students here as well!


Good Morning from all the students of CELC!  We are working on the Carbon Footprint Calculator prep sheet and will have more news soon.  We hope to meet other students on this site! m

3 posts
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