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Student Footprints

Students from around the world calculated their class mean and standard deviations for their footprints and posted them on our world map.

Do you see differences across the globe? If so, why do you think those differences exist?

Did you use the calculator to try to reduce your footprint down to the average from a citizen of another country? What changes would you have to make to lower your footprint in this way? Are you going to try and take some of these actions in your daily life?

Student Footprints >

stop using plastic straws


why do we need plastic straws they are killing our turtles and many more animals. we can really stop using them and just drink from the glass or bottle that we are using. and if we really need to use straws then there are medal straws that we can use over and over again so we don't throw the plastic straws in to the ocean.


I agree, a good amount of establishments are beginning to use paper straws as well to reduce the plastic waste that harms the Earth.


I agree with you, I hardly ever use a straw nowadays. Just imagine how much plastic is being thrown in the waste. Save the turtles.


You're right that straws really aren't needed. If more public establishments took a step in cutting out straws, and taking small steps towards helping the environment, the carbon footprint of so many people would be greatly reduced.


Hey there! Plastic straws are used because they are convenient. But, I agree that everyone should make the switch to reusable metal straws. I saw online that some companies sell them that can hook on to your keychain so you can have it on the go!


if they want us to trade to metal straws wouldnt they give them out for free like plastic straws. its all in the government my friends, the government is just slowly killing us with all the plastic straws. #save the turtles

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