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Human are bad


I see the humans with extreme pessimist point of view i blame them for the extinction of several thousand animal species and they caused the global warming by raising animals producing electricity ect...


Give some examples please.


over fishing
Petrol extraction
Over hunting


trash in our oceans
having to save animals because of our stupid decisions
the fact we have to have breeding programs for almost extinct animals because of us
elephant ivory black market
and more......


Ok, human are bad, then what? I don't think this kind of thought leads us to any practical solution. So beyond discussing about whether human are bad or not we rather have to focus on our current problemes.


Our biggest problem is that our governements that have the power to help stop the global warming but they just care to watch their computer and having a nice sofa on he wich they can put their ass on.


This is a difficult topic for a lot of people, but I have to say I agree with you on this. Humans have done far more damage to the planet than any other force in its entire history (maybe except for events like the Chicxulub impact that killed most things 65 million years ago).

Dean Hinton

You are right about humans doing a ton of horrible things in our history. But I think that it is more important to focus on what we can do to make up for those mistakes, rather than dwell in the past. All of the bad things that you mentioned are issues that many people are dedicating their lives to solving. Even though humans are ruining this planet we have also done many amazing things. The bad outweighs the good obviously, but we can learn from both the bad and the good.


I agree! Humans don't care about planet earth, and we should not be polluting our planet. We should be taking care of our planet, because if we don't reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, we will eventually destroy animal's lives and our lives too.


The only problem is that if the humans change everything to natural energy and it produces 4 times less than the fossil fuel so it will occupy 4 times the spaces involved in fossil uels industry that meanig more cutting down trees. But fossil fuels pollute a lot more than natural fuels and destroying those places will be even more plluting. Third of all even if all the people on earth say to change it will cost an enormity to the governement eradicating those factories so the removal can only be done little by little. Thank you for your attention zenone2.
If you want to contact me my email is m.sassi26@ejm.org


we need to stop using fossil fuels


Jayarr you have to develop yur statement a bit


We can reduce home energy


Developement of idea daaaa

Bill Nguyen

I agree with you that humans harm our planet. But in my opinion, humans are not that bad anymore. Right now people are doing their best to improve the environment. Many eco supportive programs are being created, different companies change their products and the number of cars and rubbish has greatly decreased. The attitude is changing. I hope that our environmental problems will improve soon.


People all over the world talk of green and economical growth and ecologie but have the same bad ideas that brought us in this mess !!????


I don't think humans are bad. The things we are doing are bad. But develop more about your statement.


Humans can be in some aspects badddd. BUt , if ur a fellow human. How would u feel??? Taking actions are not a joke, please elaborate pon ur point @Zenone.


I agree that not all humans are bad. Sure they have done some things to harm our planet, but they have also done so many things to help our planet such as starting organizations like 4ocean.


I do agree that some human are bad, but we are also humans. I think we should not be blaming ourselves but instead reflect on we can do better to make a world a better place. : ) For example what others said above, maybe we can think of changing everything into natural energy and not using fossil etc... (sorry for the bad grammar)

Y-Kawa (Canada)

I agree on some parts. I understand how more than 500 species has gone extinct because of humans but I don't think that humans are bad just because of the things you stated a lot of people are fighting against climate change so not all humans are bad. And if you want to fight against climate change we should start using more eco friendly products.


I agree with this sentiment to a degree, as it is very clear that not all people are ignorant to the ecological needs of our world, but is is incredibly sad to see the lengths at which corporations will pollute our world to make profits.


Yes humans are bad. People make lots of fossil fuels, waste lots of food, cut down way to many trees, and force tons of animals to extinction. We have been killing lots of animals that are almost extinct. This can mess up the carbon cycle and in the long term start something very bad. Something like a mass extinction.

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