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gasoline- vs electric-cars

Eva katrín

What do you think about electric cars, are they worth it or do you prefer to use gasoline cars although it is not environmentally friendly.


I believe that electric cars are absolutely worth it. According to Forbs magazine, unlike gas cars, electric cars release almost no emissions while in use. To argue the other side some electric cars release 60% more CO2 in construction, however, if you look at lifetime emissions gas cars are just not able to compete. The electric cars are especially worth it when you consider that electrical providers are working on reducing their own CO2 emissions. However, we will not see real results until electric cars become more mainstream.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesellsm … 0d793476d2


I  agree with you. Electric cars are definitely worth their price. Electric cars reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions drastically. Also to create even less greenhouse gas emissions you can use renewable energy to charge your car. Non electric cars are obviously the more healthier and better choice for our atmosphere.


I definitely agree with you. But I think that people don't want to make efforts to change their gasoline car because there are still too many constraints. Beside the price, which can be reduced thanks to a government aid, there have not enough installations to help people get over the edge. For example government can developed public places to facilitate the maintenance or recharging of electric cars. Or measures such as imposing a service for electric cars in all garages.


I disagree with all of you because I think that electric cars are not the solution : we can't judge a produce just during the periode of use, we need to see pollution before and after the use.
First because when you extract materials to produce battery you make a lot of CO2, after you need to transform it and put in many really poluting elements.
If you want to recycle the car, battery is a big problem as it may raise problems we did not yet encounter.


i think the replacment of gasoline cars is the future and the present. they are much more eco friendly and less expensive over time


I think electric cars are only environmentally friendly compared to gasoline cars, but they are not the best solution. Because the use of electric vehicles in the process will also cause environmental pollution. The most environmentally friendly way is to walk.

r stalenhoef

I agree with this! While electric cars are a great alternative, nothing beats walking or biking. On the other hand, using an electric car is a next best thing that is not walking. It can be hard to fully give up cars so I think electric cars is already a huge step in the right direction.

Miss Blood

I think Electric cars are the definite answer even if they are more expensive. I think this way because in the long run you will be saving money from rising gas prices and in the near future especially in some regions they are planning to ban the use of cars that burn gasoline so it’s better to get one now if you are in one of those regions. They are also  more environmentally conscious because they do not emit greenhouse gases like gasoline does and with that comes bragging rights.


I think electric cars are a good start. Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases and one greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide gets released whenever fossil fuels are used. Electric cars are so expensive because they are more efficient and do not use any fossil fuels. If people switch to electric cars than less fossil fuels are used which is a good start to fixing the climate.


There are some serious drawbacks to electric cars, the lack of range and the scarcity of charging stations being some, but I think the environmental benefit is worth it.


I agree with these replies in my own words electric cars are good because no matter where you plug in across the country, electric vehicles are cheaper to fuel than their gasoline-powered counterparts. Every electricity provider in the 50 largest US cities offers a rate plan that makes filling up on electricity cheaper than gasoline, adding up to a median yearly savings of over $770. Also an electric engine generates instant torque, which means that electric vehicles zoom off starting lines and provide smooth, responsive acceleration and deceleration. Electric vehicles also have a low center of gravity, which improves handling, responsiveness, and ride comfort.


100% agree. Electric cars are way more environmentally friendly when it comes to CO2 emissions and when it comes to sustainability over time. There has been nothing proving these cars inferior to gasoline powered cars yet people are still extremely hesitant to switch. Now, I get why they are being hesitant, due to their not being as many charge stations or their higher price, but they are cheaper than gasoline when filling up. If the general majority of people start to shift over to the electric side of things, our CO2 emissions into the atmosphere will begin to fall for transportation. Hopefully we will be closing the chapter to the fossil fuels age and move into the renewable, sustainable, healthy energy sources in every way of life to preserve our planet


I think using electric cars is a great idea! they are great for the environment because there is no carbon dioxide being put into the air and they don't cost as much because you don't have to spend money on gasoline.


I think that electric cars are very much worth it. I personally drive a gas car but I would prefer the former. Electric cars are much less harmful to the environment because they add less harmful greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Also, they are more cost-effective than gas cars.


I agree, I think electric cars are more environmentally friendly and are a much better option then gasoline fueled cars. With that being said, I think if you can walk, bike or even carpool somewhere is also a great option to help reduce our carbon footprints.


I think the overall benefits of electric cars are what makes them worth it. The long-term affect benefits the environment, where gasoline and fossil fuels continue to harm it. However, unlike Iceland gas powered cars are used everywhere. While you do see more electric cars, gasoline cars are vital to society today for the reason being that they support a majority of transportation needs.


I feel that electric cars are completely worth it. Electric cars are actually becoming more affordable than they once were, though still expensive, and are much cheaper to fuel. The only major problem is the concept of change for individuals when it comes to transitioning to more ecofriendly habits, which can be uncomfortable when it comes to breaking the patters that people are so used to and in this case it's driving gas-powered vehicles. But I feel that the concept of not releasing any carbon into the atmosphere and moving toward a more sustainable society is a change that is deemed necessary.


I too agree with all these replies, electric cars aren't just more benficial to the enviroment but they are also a lot more affordable. It's true that there aren't many charging stations compared to gas stations yet but if we keep promoting to use electric cars I think everyone on our plant could eventually drive electric cars. Electric cars are also safer than gasoline cars as their battery is usually placed at the bottom of the car resulting in a lower center of gravity. The lower the center of gravity if on a vehicle the less chance it wont role over in an accident. Take Tesla's model X, it was the first SUV to pass the safety test with a five star rating. In conclusion electric cars are better for the enviroment and safer for us.


We can all sit here and talk about the eco friendliness of electric cars but in reality they cannot be a viable solution to anything, at least not for a long time. Electric cars are not only more expensive up front than gasoline cars, but there are no cheap, pre-owned electric vehicles that you can buy for $5000. Electric vehicles simply aren't a viable way to lower emissions for the majority of Americans for the time being. Additionally, some people have claimed that electric vehicles are more enjoyable, and I would counter that they are as enjoyable as they are expensive and an equally priced gasoline powered car would be equally, if not more fun to drive.


I think that electric cars are great for the environment. As time goes on, we will switch to electric cars only and they will become cheaper.

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