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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

wants or needs?


There is a very large difference between what we want and what we truly need. Many of us likely have many more clothes than we need, so by really looking into our wardrobe and planning outfits we can reduce trips to the clothing store. We also naturally grow out of clothes fast, so by giving what we no longer need to places like thrift stores, we can not only reduce our footprint but provide clothes to those who need them more than us. Another want is getting the latest or fanciest electronics. Laptops require less energy than desktops, and we don't always need the latest phone. When in the store, by opting for simpler packaged items, we can be much more eco-friendly even if we don't like the way it looks.

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