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Tdenney - SJRState

Believe it or not, agricultural by-products, such as meat, poultry, vegetables, contribute more to global warming than transport fuel burning. Around four hundred twenty billion liters of methane is produced daily by the 1.4 billion cows on Earth. Even though methane dissipates faster than CO2, it is 28 times as potent to the warming of the Atmosphere. So EAT MORE MEAT..... 


I think eating meat is good, but you should have a more balanced diet. And here's a video to help you learn more about eating meat.


oh wow i thought that it would be better to eat less meat so that their are less animals being killed but i guess thats a good point to maybe eat more meat and have a balanced diet


oh wow i thought that it would be better to eat less meat so that their are less animals being killed but i guess thats a good point to maybe eat more meat and have a balanced diet


I personally dot eat meat and think that eating meat is fine but in my opinion the way we are mass producing meat is very bad for the environment. The video i linked has some really good meat substitutes and info about how meat can be bad for the environment.


Something we can do to do less pollution and have a better world and here are soem examples and a video
less throwing trash in the ocean
less carbon dioxide


Something we can do to do less pollution and have a better world and here are soem examples and a video
less throwing trash in the ocean
less carbon dioxide

Sasha Gibbs-Pearce (Canada)

This is a very interesting fact to take into consideration but because of supply and demand, The more animals we eat the more animals there will be. I believe that by limiting our diet and reducing the amount of meat we eat in our day to day lives, we can lessen the demand for meat products and in turn, reducing the effects the agricultural industry has on our planet. 


Eating a little bit of meat isn't bad, but the way we're currently producing meat is really bad for the environment. The amount of animals on this planet that we somehow own or care for is a whopping 60%. crazy isn't it? another thing to think about is that the amount of land in the USA that livestock are taking up is 41%, that's about 800 million acres. now that doesn't mean you have to stop eating meat, just try to eat less.

CGoodison (Canada)

The person who started this post chain had their first facts correct. Yes animal agriculture produces more carbon than the whole transportation system. Also most of rainforest deforestation was to make space for grazing fields for cows, and the worlds cow population consumes 45 billion gallons of water and 135 billion pounds of food daily, so if you think of all the carbon that goes into produce all of that grain for the cows, that must be a huge amount. So why would eating more meat be good for the environment when it produces so much carbon, and causes all kinds of deforestation all over the world? Also if all the feed we are currently feeding to cows goes to people who are going hungry because their food is used for animal agriculture, wouldn't that be better? So in my opinion all of the facts point to eating LESS meat.

Claire.E (Canada)

Yes, I totally agree, eating less meat would definitely be better for the environment. There's lots of data supporting this idea as well. Animal agriculture actually makes up for 51% or more of greenhouse gas emissions. like you said a lot of deforestation is happening just to raise cows. Eating less meat would lower the demand for it. Less demand means less production of meat, which means less cows releasing greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.

Y-Kawa (Canada)

You have a great point but thats not the case. If we eat more cows thats just making the problem right now worse because the more we eat them the more cows there will be. And the more cows there is the more resources we need in order to feed them. Also eating too much meat is unhealthy so it's important for you to have a balanced and healthy diet, not just eating animals put more green in your foods.


I respect your opinion but I disagree. We shouldn’t eat more meat. Since the only reason why there’s so many of those animals is since their forced to. If they were locked in cages to be fed un healthy things, forced to make baby animals and being killed that takes about 2 months of shower water to make one pound of meat. So if we stop fixing animals to do all that and just let them roam and help gardens so DONT EAT MEAT smile


I understand that in your point of view if we eat more meat then there will be less cows which means less methane released into the atmosphere by them but...that's not true. If we eat more meat there will be a higher demand on meat in the animal agricultural industry and more cows will be bred. With more cows bred more methane will keep on being released and more water will be used for cow feed. This is the cycle that has been going on for over a hundred years. As you said, four hundred twenty billion litres of methane is released daily by the 1.4 billion cows on the earth, and if we ate more meat those four hundred twenty billion litres of methane would increase. In the end what we should actually do is EAT LESS MEAT. If we become more plant-based eaters the demand of cows and meat will decrease, therefore methane emissions caused by animal agriculture will also decrease. If you want to learn more than I recommend watching this documentary https://g.co/kgs/fdJKqp smile


I never knew that meat, poultry and vegetables contribute more to climate change then transport fuel burning. This is mind blowing to hear because eating meat is very popular all across the world. Your facts and data sparked a light in me to eat less meat. Also, the 1.4 billion cows in our earth do not help with this issue. I now know the harms of eating meat and now can educate people about this issue.

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