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Clean Development

The Millenium Development Goals, agreed to by every member country of the United Nations in 2000, call for the worldwide eradication of poverty and hunger, universal education, gender equality and huge improvements in health by 2015: two years ago!!

Can we do this without making the planet warmer?

Let's think big and imagine how we can confront the climate crisis in a way that is realistic about the other major problems that we face as a planet and as a species on it.

Clean Development >

Clean development


In my opinion to have a clean development we don't smoke, we reduce the consume of plastic, water and energy.

Trevor Tran

I agree with you, but I also think that we can do a lot more than that to develop a clean environment. We could use alternative energy to produce products, try to make cheaper and more electric cars, and maybe even ban the use of fossil fuel. The last one is really extreme but I think that if we could do that one day, then the amount of fossil fuel in the air would go away.


I agree with your last statement Trevor, about the banning of fossil fuels. We have other forms of producing energy that may not give us as much as fossil fuels, but are definitely sustainable and are actually better for our earth. Things like Hydroelectric, Harnessing the wind, also maybe even nuclear energy.


Yes, I agree that we do need to stop wasting preciosus resources. Our planet is already strugling to support 7 billion people,and to support more we need to be more consevative.


Yes, I agree, but, I think that this will be hard to do immediately.  Many people are addicted to smoking, and will not change their ways so easily.  And, it will also be hard to convince others to limit their plastic, water, and energy use, because it doesn't technically affect them personally.


I also agree with your last statement, as well. Things such as reduce the amount of materials we use everyday is an easy fix, but for those that are addicted to things such as smoking,you will need some heavy convincing if you wanted worldwide change in smoking habits.


I agree, we should save our resources. Even though stopping old habits is hard, we should do so for our environment.

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