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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wants or Needs?


Before we purchase an item we must take some time to think about whether the item is necessary or whether we just like the thought of owning it smile


This is very true. We must take time to think if the item we’re buying is an item that we MUST buy. I think the reason people don’t already do this is because of all of the emotions they may have felt that morning, or that week, or that month; that make them think this item will make them feel better. Whether consciously or subconsciously, it’s a coping mechanism most people don’t realize is happening. We must find different ways to relax our mind and emotions and think about how our decisions will effect our planet and ourselves in general.


I agree with the comment above because it explains how emotions can get the best of us and can cloud out judgment. Just between Thanksgiving and New years, Americans produce about ten million tons of trash per week. Things like Christmas cards and packages are sent around the world adding to our landfills. Especially during the pandemic, there has been an increased number of impulse online purchases, that people thought would make them feel better. The amount of waste that is being produced is significantly higher than in the past.  If we want to be able to keep the environment that has kept us alive, we have to start thinking more about what we are buying and why we are buying it.  If we keep on the path that we are on now, we will end up destroying what we have worked so hard to create.


Agreed, many people buy items on impulse instead of really thinking through if they need it or not. I think more people need to have the mindset of making do with what we already have. Less of buying unnecessary items means less packaging wasted and thrown into the trash, which is always good for the environment.

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