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What we do in Renaudeau High School ( Cholet France ) to be 'green'


We do a lot as my students will let you know soon...


At the cafeteria, we eat organic, local food when it's possible, vegeterian meals are available


We sort out our waste at the cafeteria


When we connect on the school computers we can use Ecosia a search engine and the more we use it
the more trees are planted


There is a vegetable garden maintained by some students, called the sustainable development ambassadors. They make Jam, lemonade, and herbal teas for example. We can buy these products and the money goes to the students.


In Renaudeau we have a vegetable garden maintained by some students, called the sustainable development ambassadors.


There is a vegetable garden maintened by some strudents, called the sustainable development abassadors


We have a vegetable garden maintened by some students, called the sustainable development ambassaadors.


The lights in the new building are automatics


In our highschool, there is a partnership with an association for the protection of birds (LPO), so we have insects hotels, birds houses and there is a pond with frogs and toads


Our lights in one of our buildings are automatic


When we connect on the school computers we can use Ecosia a search engine and the more we use it
the more trees are planted


There are birdhouses, insect hotels and a pond with frogs and toads.


There are differents colors of bins in the corridors


The lights in the new building are automatics


There are differents colors of bins in the corridors


when we connect on the school's computers, we can use Ecosia, a search engine, and the more we use it the more they are planted


there are solar panels and we buy green electricity from a supplier


there is an incentive at machines to encourage students to bring back plastic cups so that they can be recycled.


At Renaudeau there are solar panels and we buy green electricity from a supplier


At the cafetaria, we eat seasonal fruit and eat food more local than possible.


Some students have volunteered to become sustainable development ambasador, to create project, propose initiatives, to encourage others students to be more eco-friendly and to learn about eco-systems, environmental issues...


We can buy these products and the money goes to the students association that sponsors the garden too


There are differents colors of bins in the corridors.


there are more and more green plants in classroom


in order to pollute less, sorting bins are in almost every corridors of the high school for the students to sort out their trash


There are different bins in the corridor, to help along the sorting in the high school.


There is a partenership with an association for the protection of birds, so we have insect hotels, bird houses, and there is a pond with frogs and toads


there are solar panels and we buy green electricity from a supplier


There are solar panels and we buy green electricity from a supplier.


A vegetable garden has been put in place in order to eat more local and for the high school to make some money over it


some students have volunteeredto become sustainable development ambassadors, to create projects ,propose iniatives ,to encorage other students to be more eco-friendly and to learn about eco-sustems,environmental issues etc...


some students have volunteeredto become sustainable development ambassadors, to create projects ,propose iniatives ,to encorage other students to be more eco-friendly and to learn about eco-sustems,environmental issues etc...


We can buy our products from the vegetable garden and the money goes to the students' association that sponsors the garden too


Our project is to re-green the high school by favouring the development of biodiversity instead of tar and concrete. For instance, there are more and more green plants in classroom.

35 posts
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