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Wants or Needs?

Is having the latest technology a want or a need?

How often do you get a new cel phone or mp3 player? Did you really need a new model? Do you consider the environmental impact of these purchases? If you are addicted, how can you break your addiction?

Wants or Needs? >

Wants or needs


I feel that a lot of people have lost the ability to distinguish the difference between a want and a need or ignore it and I have done this as well. Some of the things that we think are needs are actually wants such as a phone. When we buy things that we want and do not limit what wants we buy, we can contribute to climate change in several ways. The first is think about the gas you used driving to and from the store. The second way is the packaging that you bought it in could not be friendly to the environment. These are just some of the ways that just buying un-needed things can contribute negatively to the world including climate change. Another way we buy un-needed things is through online shopping and here some stats, "Amazon ships approximately 1.6 million packages a day. That works out to more than 66 thousand orders per hour, and 18.5 orders per second."Think about the electricity that is used to process these 1.6 million packages a day. Not to mention the airplanes, boats, and cars used to ship these packages. These are just a few ways that our habits of buying un-needed things can affect the world including climate change. You may be wondering "these are super small, how do I make any change because these are so small" A lot of these things add up and play a much larger part in the world today. One last point that I would like to make is to look into the companies you buy these un-needed things from. Some companies are un-ethical and invest in oil which contributes to climate change. I am not saying that you should never buy wants, we just need to limit what un-needed things we buy as well as look into the company.

Amazon stats
https://landingcube.com/amazon-statisti … r%20second.

I also found this interesting and helpful
https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/ … sAllowed=y

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