Socioeconomic Pathways Participants

Aaheim, Hans Asbjørn CICERO Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research Oslo
Akimoto, Keigo Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
Antle, John M. Oregon State University
Arent, Douglas JISEA/NREL
Backlund, Peter NCAR Integrated Science Program
Beringer, Tim Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Birkmann, Joern UNU-EHS
Carter, Timothy Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE
Cohen, Stewart Environment Canada
Cosgrove, William UNESCO-WWAP World Water Scenarios
Drummond, Mark US Geological Survey
Ebi, Kristie WGII TSU
Edenhofer, Ottmar Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Edmonds, James JGCRI/PNNL
Ekholm, Tommi VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Eom, Jiyong Joint Global Change Research Institute
Feddema, Johan University of Kansas
Fujimori, Shinichiro National Institute for Environmental Studies
Gallopín, Gilberto Carlos WWAP
Garschagen, Matthias United Nations University
Guivarch, Celine Cired
Hallegatte, Stephane World Bank, CIRED, Meteo-France
Hayden, Mary NCAR
Hildebrand, Peter H NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Hughes, Barry Pardee Center, Univ of Denver
Jiang, Leiwen National Center for Atmospheric Research
Kemp-Benedict, Eric Stockholm Environment Institute
Kienberger, Stefan Centre for Geoinformatics – University of Salzburg
Kram, Tom PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Krey, Volker International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Kriegler, Elmar Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Lamarque, Jean-Francois NCAR
Lawrence, Peter John NCAR
Lempert, Robert J RAND
Levermann, Anders Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Liu, Qiyong National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, China
Lutz, Wolfgang IIASA
Masui, Toshihiko NIES
Mearns, Linda NCAR CISL/IMAGe
Meehl, Gerald NCAR
Minx, Jan IPCC WG 3 Technical Support Unit
Montesino, Manuel University of Copenhagen
Moss, Richard H JGCRI
Moyer, Jonathan IFs
O’Neill, Brian NCAR
Pitcher, Hugh Joint Global Change Research Institute
Rangel, Michelle NCAR Integrated Science Program
Ren, Xiaolin NCAR
Riahi, Keywan International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Robinson, Paula NCAR Integrated Science Program
Romero-Lankao, Patricia NCAR
Rosen, Richard Tellus Institute
Rothman, Dale Scott University of Denver, JKSIS
Rozenberg, Julie CIRED
Saxon, Earl FHI360
Schweizer, Vanessa NCAR
Soria, Antonio European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, IPTS
Storch, Harry Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany
Tebaldi, Claudia Climate Central
Travis, William Riebsame University of Colorado
Van Ruijven, Bas J NCAR
Van Vuuren, Detlef PBL
Wilbanks, Thomas J. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Zwickel, Timm IPCC Technical Support Unit – Working Group III


We intend this meeting to bring together researchers and practitioners in a variety of fields including integrated assessment modeling; impact, adaptation, and vulnerability assessment; climate modeling; and social and economic development. We are particularly interested in researchers actively involved in using socioeconomic scenarios in their research, and those with possible interests in further development of these scenarios in the future.  Highest priority for this meeting are topics that would contribute most directly to the development of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) discussed in the background document, including SSP narratives, quantitative inputs to SSP-based model simulations, and integrated assessment or impact model simulations of possible SSPs.

Due to size constraints for the meeting, participation may have to be limited. We are therefore asking anyone interested in attending to submit an abstract (for possible presentation) or paragraph describing interests in the meeting, (for those wanting to attend but not speak).  Given that a substantial proportion of the meeting is likely to be devoted to breakout group discussions, there will not be a large number of speaking slots.  However, we may consider holding a poster session, and in addition plenary and breakout group discussions will be most useful if they involve participants active in research relevant to meeting goals.  Therefore, abstracts and/or paragraphs describing your interests will help us ensure that participants represent the most relevant areas of expertise.

Requests to participate can be made through the online submission system.  Submissions before September 16 will receive full consideration. Beyond that date, submissions will be considered as space allows. We will respond to requests to participate in early October to indicate whether we will be able to accommodate you at the meeting, and in which capacity.