Committee Membership

ICONICS consists of members of the integrated assessment modeling (IAM) and impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability (IAV) communities. Committee members are listed below.


Ebi, Kristie (co-chair) | University of Washington | Seattle, Washington, USA

van Ruijven, Bas (co-chair) | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) | Laxenburg, Austria

Birkmann, Joern | University of Stuttgart | Stuttgart, Germany

Carter, Tim | Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) | Helsinki, Finland

Chen, Robert | Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) | New York, USA

Garschagen, Matthias | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtät München (LMU) | Munich, Germany

Hallegatte, Stephane | World Bank | Washington, DC USA

Hasegawa, Tomoko | Ritsumeikan University | Japan

Kok, Kasper | Wageningen University | Wageningen, the Netherlands

Kram, Tom  | Netherland Environmental Assessment Agency | Utrecht, Netherlands

Kriegler, Elmar | Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research | Potsdam, Germany

Lawrence, Judy | Victoria University Wellington |Wellington, New Zealand

Moss, Richard | Joint Global Change Research Institute | College Park, Maryland, USA

O’Neill, Brian | University of Denver | Denver, Colorado, USA

Preston, Ben | RAND Corporation | Santa Monica, California, USA

Riahi, Keywan | International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) | Laxenburg, Austria

Ruane, Alex | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | New York, USA

Schweizer, Vanessa | University of Waterloo | Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Takahashi, Kiyoshi | National Institute for Environmental Studies | Japan

van Vuuren, Detlef | Netherland Environmental Assessment Agency | Utrecht, Netherlands