Courses taught by Prof. Cobb
Advanced Manufacturing and Energy Technologies (ME 516)
Description: Advanced Manufacturing processes play an integral role in the function and performance of energy systems; Advanced Manufacturing involves both new methods to manufacture existing products and the production of new products from new manufacturing technologies. A central theme of this course will be the role of manufacturing in the evolving clean energy space. This course will survey the latest research and methods used to manufacture energy devices and systems, including but not limited to: batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, and sensors. Emergent additive manufacturing methods and their related energy impact will also be examined. Students will examine the opportunities for improvements in energy and materials utilization from the perspective of manufacturing processes. Topics will be developed through readings and presentations of current research literature, homework assignments, and a final course project.
Prerequisites: This course assumes an undergraduate training in mechanical engineering or materials science and engineering. Prior coursework or experience in the following areas is required: manufacturing (ME355 or equivalent), mechanical design (ME 395 or equivalent), mechanics of materials (ME 354 or equivalent), and fluid mechanics (ME 333 or equivalent).
Quarters Taught:
- Spring 2023
- Spring 2022
- Spring 2021
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2018
- Spring 2017 (formerly ME 599)
Finite Element Analysis (ME 478)
Description: This course is an introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The basic mathematical theory of FEA will be introduced throughout the quarter. The course will also introduce you to a commercial finite element package through several design projects in the area of linear solid mechanics, thermal analysis, and vibration analysis. At the end of the quarter you should be familiar with the underlying theory of FEA and capable of designing and analyzing structures using FEA.
Prerequisites: M E 123 , M E 374 , MATH 308 or AMATH 352
Quarters Taught:
- Winter 2023
- Winter 2022
- Winter 2021
- Winter 2020
- Winter 2019
- Fall 2017