*Disability Justice Workshop with Mia Mingus*
Hosted by API Chaya and The Seattle Disability Justice Collective

“What is disability justice and what does it have to do with
ending domestic violence and sexual violence? Come find out!”

Wednesday, Oct. 23rd at 6:30 pm
Southside Commons, 3518 S. Edmunds St. Seattle WA 98118 Read more

History Lecture Series

Posted under Uncategorized on Oct 22, 2013

As the United States marks the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation in 2013, the History Lecture Series returns this fall with four presentations by nationally recognized historians on the theme “Slavery and Freedom in the Making of America.” The speakers will consider the imagined roots of slavery in Greco-Roman antiquity, the origins and development of racial slavery across the Americas and its centrality to the creation of the United States, and the continued legacies of slavery in post-emancipation American life.

  • October 23rd, Kane 130, Professor Sandra Joshel: Ancient Roman Slavery and American History
  • October 30th, Kane 130, Professor Stephanie Smallwood: Slavery, Race, and the Origins of American Freedom
  • November 6th, Kane 130, Professor Stephanie Camp: Slavery, Antebellum America’s National Institution
  • November 13th, Kane 120, Professor Moon-Ho Jung: Race, Empire, and Post-Emancipation Struggles for Freedom

For tickets and more information, see:


Info Session this Thursday, October 24, from 6-7pm in Thomson 125

Serving in the Peace Corps is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and have the experience of a lifetime. Join us at the info session on Thursday, October 24 from 6-7pm in Thomson 125 to hear about real Volunteer experiences, get your questions answered, and gain tips to guide you through the application process.

For more information, contact your on-campus Peace Corps Representative, Kristy Humphreys at


Autumn, 2013     Job Search Workshops at SSW

Registration and Workshop Descriptions here:




Friday,   October 18

4:45 –   5:45 pm

The Road   to Social Work Licensure

Monday,   October 21

1:00 – 5:00   pm

UW   Non-Profit & Govt Career Fair (in the HUB)

Tuesday,   October 22

4:45 –   5:45 pm

The Road to Social Work Licensure

Wednesday,   October 23

4:45 –   5:45 pm

Resume  Writing Workshop

Tuesday,   November 5

4:45 –   5:45 pm

Interviewing  Skills

Thursday,   November 7

12:30-1:20   pm

Financial   Literacy for Students

RSVP by October 18th!

“DBT-ish Applications to Family System Work with Eating Disorders”

Presented by:
Laura Kastner, PhD
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at University of Washington
Nationally Recognized Author and Speaker
Recipient of the Distinguished Psychologist Award from WA State Psychological Association

Friday, October 25th, 2013
8:30am – 12:00pm
Seattle Tennis Club

Students: $30; Members: $45: Non-members: $75
Join or renew today and receive member pricing

Dr. Laura Kastner is a clinical psychologist who has conducted research, maintained a clinical practice and presented numerous workshops for parents. She is a clinical professor in both the psychology department and the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. Read more

A couple of weeks into fall quarter some of us may find ourselves wrestling with those all too familiar feelings of self-doubt: Am I qualified to be here? My fellow students seem to understand everything in the readings and lectures and have it all together; why don’t I? Does everyone else belong here but me? Will they figure out soon that they made a mistake in admitting me?

This line of thinking is often referred to as “Imposter Syndrome” and you may be surprised to hear that many of your fellow students, colleagues, and professors are likely feeling their own version of this, too, even if they don’t appear to be. Read more

All are invited to…

The Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites’

December Public Workshop

Saturday, December 7th 2013

11:00pm to 3:00pm

*Light lunch will be provided*

Downtown YMCA (909 4th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104)

RSVP to Becca at // (206) 802-8813

*This workshop is for anyone interested in getting involved in CARW to support racial justice organizing in Seattle*

The Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites (CARW) is holding a public workshop on Saturday, December 7th. This workshop is a free training opportunity for white folks new to anti-racist organizing in Seattle and interested in CARW’s work.

Starting in 2012, CARW’s monthly meetings are now specifically for CARW Member Organizers, and this public workshop is for those who are not Members, but are interested in learning more about becoming a Member Organizer to support anti-racist organizing in Seattle. We also know there are many white people out there, including CARW Base Supporters, who have been interested in CARW’s annual White Anti-Racist Organizing Institute but have not been able to participate for various reasons. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to attend this workshop.

During the 4-hour session we will be present some of the anti-racist analysis that is foundational to CARW’s work. We hope this training helps propel you on your journey to becoming a stronger white ally for racial justice in your relationships, family, work, school, or volunteer activities.

This is the workshop to attend if you are a new to CARW or a base supporter who has not been through the Organizing Institute. Read more

Metro is introducing a new subscription email list for accessibility issues. We’ll use it to let subscribers know about changes to Metro services and programs that are likely to affect customers with disabilities. We’ll also use it to let subscribers know about opportunities to provide feedback on accessibility-related issues. If you’re interested in subscribing, please follow the link below to sign up.

Subscribe »

King County Metro is celebrating Disability Awareness Month (October) with a campaign called We Are Metro.

When we work together, more of us can get to our destinations safely and on time. This month we’re highlighting what each of us can do to make the journey better for everyone. Check out this post from Metro’s Transit Advisory Commission to learn more about what’s happening.

As part of our campaign, we want to hear from you. Share your stories and pictures on our blog or on Facebook, tweet us at @kcmetrobus, or use the hashtag #WeAreMetro.

GRADUATE CERTIFICATE in HIV and STI’s- application deadline Friday November 1st

Now accepting applications!

Are you interested in a career in HIV & STIs?  Would you like to participate in small seminar classes taught by leading HIV/STI experts together with a multidisciplinary group of students from Health Sciences, Nursing, Medicine, Global Health, Anthropology, Social Work and more? If so, please consider this Certificate.

We are an interdisciplinary program in the Department of Global Health that provides students with the conceptual knowledge and practical skills needed to work in the field of HIV & STIs.

In addition to completing 12 core and elective credits, students will complete a 3 credit capstone project. Certificate program staff will work with you to develop a unique capstone experience that is tailored to your interests. All current UW graduate matriculated graduate students are eligible to apply. Read more

A First Hand Look at the Women of Tunisia
by Johnna White & UW Women’s Center Program Update

Saturday, October 19, 2013 – 9:30am – 12 pm

University of Washington, Parrington Hall, Seattle

Open to the general public – No need to be member to attend.

Following our very successful meeting held on the University of Washington campus last fall, AAUW-Seattle members and their guests are once again invited to the campus as guests of the UW Women’s Center, which is an AAUW Member Partner of the Seattle branch.  

Johnna White, Program Manager in the Women’s Center and graduate student at the Evans School of Public Affairs, will talk about her recent trip to Tunisia where she was hosted for two weeks by the Center for Arab Women Training and Research.  Johnna will briefly discuss her experiences in Tunis, including the various perspectives that the Tunisian women and men shared with her on the evolving status of women pre- and post-revolution and their outlook for the future.

Following Johnna’s talk, we will hear an update on some of the other amazing achievements and programs of the Women’s Center.  There will also be representatives from various student women’s groups on campus at the meeting, and we will update them on the benefits of AAUW.  Please join us for this fabulous meeting with our UW Women’s Center partners! Read more

A large interdisciplinary panel regarding the Catholic hospital mergers occurring in WA state and how it will affect comprehensive, ethical health care. Please come join others and speak about this matter.   NARAL Pro-Choice WA, Compassion & Choice of WA, Legal Voice, ACLU of WA, and Planned Parenthood of the Great NW are all sponsoring this event.

Oct. 30, 2013, 7-9 PM, Town Hall Seattle 1119 8th Ave Flyer

The Queer Student Commission is one the eight diversity commissions founded by the Associated Students at the University of Washington. Each commission has a mandate to put on education programs each quarter, as well as serve and advocate for its constituency within the student government and the administration. The QSC seeks to put on programming within an anti-oppressive framework, focusing on planning events that are all at once nonhetero- and cisnormative, anti-racist, anti-ableist, and anti-sexist. You can read our mission statement and more at

And now we’re asking that you become a part of the QSC and work to create spaces and events for queer students. The QSC is hiring interns who would have a big involvement in the planning of all events and programming the QSC puts on. There’s asked a 2-6 hour commitment per week including the weekly meetings on Wednesday from 6-7, varying depending on the busyness of the week. These internships are, sadly, unpaid, but they are extremely valuable both in the learning potential and their value to the campus community as well as their potential for networking.

Students of all gender identities, races, classes, sexual orientations, minds and bodies are encouraged to apply here.

CLUE is in the process of hiring for the below positions. Please pass the message to students who may be interested. And feel free to pint the attachment and post it.

Do you have a passion for your subject area?     Do you enjoy helping others? CLUE

-CLUE is a program that can partner with you to reach these goals. CLUE is currently accepting applications for multiple positions, listed below, for the 2013-2014 school year.

-If you are interested, see further information on the CLUE website. Applications will be due Fri Oct 11, 2013. Read more

Please see the attached information about an exciting global health related fellowship opportunity in Ethiopia. Deadline for applications is October 4, 2013. Open to enrolled UW graduate students only. SCOPE APP


I am working with the University District Youth Center (UDYC) to establish a mentorship program for the students of their Alternative High School Program. The majority of these students have come from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or have faced a hardship, such as homelessness or serious problems at school, that resulted in them needing something other than the traditional high school program.

In the past I have partnered with UDYC to engage their students in a student shadowing day with UW students. Now I’m trying to take the program a step further and create a new RSO on campus to not only establish a mentorship program, but also expand the mentorship program to get more UW students involved. I’m thinking about calling the RSO “Empowerment Through Education,” which can include both the mentorship program, and networking and educational opportunities for those interested in topics related to Education, Diversity, Oppression, Empowerment, and the like.  Read more

Latino Health Forum

Posted under Events, Interest areas on Oct 3, 2013

Join Sea Mar Community Health Centers at the

Eighth Annual Latino Health Forum

Transforming Latino Health:

Community Engagement and the Affordable Care Act

Conference Details

Date and Time: Monday, October 21 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Location: Hilton Seattle Airport and Conference Center

Address: 17620 International Boulevard, Seattle, WA 98188

LatinoHealthForumRegistrationandAgenda Read more

The internships with the ASUW Women’s Action Commission are now available. Please pass this information on.

The ASUW Women’s Action Commission is one of eight diversity commissions founded by the Associated Students of the University of Washington. Each commission has a mandate to put on educational programs each quarter, as well as serve and advocate for its constituency within the student government and the administration. Read more

To those of you who are joining us this year, welcome! For the many who are returning, welcome back!

We will be kicking off our Senate year next Wednesday, October 9th from 5:30-7:00 in HUB 332 and are looking forward to seeing all of you there.

We will be focusing on appointing members to committees, so if you were involved in one last year we would love for you to say a few words during the break out session. Also, please remember that Senate meetings are open to the public, so feel free to invite anyone in your department who may be interested. Same goes for our… Read more

Sign up now to have a Queer Mentor this year!

Having a Queer Mentor is like having a Queer Big Brother or Big Sister! They can talk with you about what it means to be queer, how to meet other queer people, and how to get involved in the queer community. Whether you’ve been out for many years or are just coming out, a Queer Mentor can be a great way to learn more about yourself and try new things! (Plus, our Queer Mentors are really fabulous and fun!)

Sign up to have a Queer Mentor by filling out this form:

Or email Ginger Colamussi, the Queer Mentoring Program Coordinator at the Q Center, to get more info:

Please join us for a presentation by Paul Brown, a long-time member of CARW (Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites) this coming Wednesday evening, October 2, from 5:30 to 7 PM in Research Commons Study Rooms 2/3.

CARW (the Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites) is an anti-racist white organizing formation that came out of the aftermath of the WTO protests. CARW has a two-pronged strategy of educating white folks about racism and organizing to support people of color led racial justice struggles. CARW currently supports organizing for immigration reform, to end the school to prison pipeline, to win federal re-recognition for the Duwamish Tribe, to bring green jobs to communities of color, and more.

See for more information about CARW.

About the presenter:
Paul Brown has been involved in CARW for more than five years. It has provided them a transformative space to unlearn white culture, learn to take risks (& make mistakes), and be a part of powerful movements for justice and liberation.

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