BE 498 F/BE 598 F Cities on Screen: Film, Design & the Built Environment – Black & White – 1 credit seminar – Posted 8/22/19

CITIES on SCREEN: Film, Design, and the Built Environment “Black and White”

Fall 2019 College of the Built Environment

1-credit film seminar, 6 sessions, alternate Fridays 3:30-5:50 PM beginning September 27, Gould 322

BE 498 F (SLN 10991) | BE 598 F (SLN 10997) – Undergrads should sign up for 498, Grad students should take 598

Film offers insights into how we represent, document and navigate our built environments. At the same time, the virtual space of cinema influences our thinking,

and by extension, our experience and design of both complex ideas and real places. Fall quarter we explore the theme of “Black and White,” which denotes a film process and an aesthetic, as well as connoting confident assertions of certainty and more fraught attributions of difference. “Black and White” conjures binaries and blurring, of truth and deception, documentary and drama, identity and indignity, good and evil, and conformity and resistance; and imparts meaning and metaphor in the cinematic city around issues of race, gender and the so-called Other.

This film seminar features discussion and full-length viewing of selected films and is open to undergraduates and graduates in all majors and departments.

BE 498 l 598_Cities on Screen_Fall 2019


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