The application for the 2020-21 Hotspotting team is open until February 12th, 2020.

Hotspotting is an inter-professional health focused team, meaning we are students from all different disciplines (pharmacy, social work, nursing, medicine, nutrition, dental) working together. Our goal is to work with people who have unmet health needs and are using the healthcare system for preventable reasons. We work together to identify goals from the patient along with other needs during the ~8 month participation from the patient in the program. Some examples of patient goals is education on disease and medication, assistance finding resources, care coordination, attending appointments, and home visits.

It is a unique opportunity to work with patients in health promotion/empowerment and develop relationships with other disciplines.

The application link is:

Please do not hesitate with any questions. My contact information is


Posted under Just for fun on Feb 7, 2020

Hello Social work community!

OSSW has launched its T-shirt fundraiser!

Click here to see all of the products!

Do you want to work on developing solutions that can make a difference, with the real world as your classroom? 

Come learn more about Grand Challenge Impact Lab (GCIL): India Study Abroad

In Winter Quarter 2021, UW Study Abroad will be offering Grand Challenge Impact Lab (GCIL): India” as a 15-credit course for juniors, seniors, and graduate students of all majors. These 15 credits can be applied to many majors with collaboration with advisers, and may even serve as a capstone course or practicum for some degree programs! Here is what GCIL is all about:

  • Study global GRAND CHALLENGES
  • Work hands-on to learn IMPACT INNOVATION
  • Design impact VENTURE SOLUTIONS
  • Pitch your idea for SEED FUNDING

Grand Challenges are the big problems facing humanity – things like food security, clean water, and climate change. The Grand Challenge Impact Lab (GCIL): India is a relatively new UW study abroad experience that empowers students to learn about Grand Challenges and propose and test solutions to them in Bangalore, India. The program offers an active, hands-on learning laboratory and is open to graduate and undergraduate junior and senior students from any department.

Attend an information session to learn more: 

  • Monday, February 10th, 3:30-4:30, More Hall 110
  • Monday, March 2nd, 3:30-4:30, More Hall 110
  • More sessions to be announced soon for spring quarter!

Application deadline is May 15th

On Thursday, February 20th, DCYF is hosting an info session from 6-8pm at the Richmond Beach Library, and pizza dinner will be provided. For questions and to RSVP, please email


Do you want to improve your public speaking skills? Are you passionate about health and wellness topics and educating others? As a LiveWell Peer Health Educator (PHE) you are paid to grow and learn, teach to your peers, and get involved in community health promotion as well as prevention work!

To view the job description (use UW email) for Peer Health Education student employee positions for academic year 2020-2021, with Spring 2020 Training, click here.

To apply for a Peer Health Educator position, please fill out the application using your UW email before February 14th, 2020 at 11:59 PM PST.

The application deadline for early fall and autumn quarter faculty-led programs is Feb. 15th 

All students who submit their application on or before this deadline will be considered for the UW Study Abroad Scholarship. Here is more information about how our scholarship program works if you need a refresher.

  • The Gilman Scholarship, which awards up to $8,000 and supports undergraduate study abroad to all locations is now accepting applications.
  • All students who are U.S. citizens who are receiving a federal Pell grant as part of their financial aid award letter should be applying for this scholarship! No letters of recommendation are required to be considered!
  • Use resources such as: The Gilman Writing Guide, and a submission checklist
    • Application deadline is Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 11:59pm Pacific Time.
  • Scott’s Cheap Flights Scholarship awards $1,000. Open to all U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Both undergraduate students AND graduate students are eligible to apply.
    • Deadline March 20, 2020
  • Freeman Asia Scholarship  supports undergraduate study abroad to countries in Southeast Asia. Awards amounts vary by program length. Applications for this scholarship will open on February 10, 2020.
    • Application deadline is April 6, 2020.

5)The Women’s Identity Abroad Discussion is back: A panel discussion with other women who have returned from abroad as they share their experiences and challenges

Meeting takes place Wednesday, February 19, 12:30–2:00pm, MGH 171 (MGH 171),  RSVP here

“Intergenerational Educational Mobility among Mexican Americans across the 20th Century”


Pennsylvania State University

Discusses research results showing improvements in educational opportunities and information indicating that cross-sectional assessments of Mexican-American integration are misleading and underestimate this group’s prospects going forward.

Friday, February 7th
12:30 – 1:30 pm
121 Raitt Hall
* Co-sponsored with CSDE

Below is full winter schedule of seminar series –

Winter Schedule


New APS 10.13 Deep Dive: Health Procedures

Come learn about recommended procedures for responding to known health conditions and health emergencies.

Tuesday, May 5  1-2pm
MGH Rm 258 (Seattle campus) and via Zoom
Registration: click here

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to be in touch by phone or email – or come by our biweekly office hours in MGH 274 starting February 19, 9-11am; full list of dates and times here.


Youth Programs Summer Job Fair – Save the Date or Sign up to Participate

Please join us for our 4th annual Youth Programs Summer Job Fair on Wednesday March 4!

This is a great opportunity for University of Washington youth programs and community-based organizations to participate in a targeted recruitment effort for Summer 2020.

Positions can be paid or volunteer and full- or part-time.

Event on March 4th 12:30-3:30pm (with setup & tear down: 12-4pm)

HUB Main Street (Seattle campus)

To participate, please register here by February 12, 2020 and we’ll follow up with details shortly.


with Dr. Jason Umans

Tuesday, February 25th 2020 12:30pm-1:30pm PST

This presentation will provide a brief history of our developing understanding of hypertension’s central role in cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and stroke.

It will include a selective review of the research results which have driven diagnostic and treatment guidelines and public health policies over the past century.

Please register here.

The Graduate School is still accepting TA applications for GRDSCH 640 for Spring Quarter.

If you are a PhD student who has an interest in working with a fantastic course dedicated to interrupting microaggressions and promoting quality mentorship, you are encouraged to apply for this role via UWHires.

Our application will close on February 7th at noon.

Interested participants should join and extend this conversation to explore methodologies, challenges, and opportunities through the design of workshops that may include interactive presentations, discussions, and exercises.

Suggested key themes include community engagement, participatory/community-based action research methodologies, and equitable partnerships. This call is OPEN to all who might be interested, regardless of their affiliation with UW.

Proposals should be submitted in PDF format by email to by Friday, February 28, 2020 [11.59pm Pacific Standard Time].

For more information contact Isabel Carrera Zamanillo at or visit

S.E.E.D Scholarship 2020
for Undocumented Students is Now Open! 

The S.E.E.D Scholarship aims to positively acknowledge the contributions of undocumented students enrolled at the University of Washington.


Open to all undocumented students who will be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at the University of Washington Seattle, Tacoma, or Bothell campus during the 2020-2021 academic year. This includes current or incoming students (i.e. graduating high school seniors). Students at all three UW campuses (Seattle, Bothell, Tacoma) are welcome to apply.

Eligibility criteria:
Student must demonstrate leadership in school activities, community service and/or work experience as well as  demonstrates financial need.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Katya Robles at


Colectiva de Latin American Social Workers is hosting a movie screening and discussion panel centralizing the conflict occurring in Puerto Rico. We would like to extend the invitation to all SSW students and faculty!

The Diversity Leadership Conference (DLC), held on Friday, February 21, from 3-7 pm it is an afternoon skill-building and intergroup dialogue conference. The theme of this year’s conference is The Personal Is Political: Showing Up for Ourselves and Others in Solidarity.

Students who attend the workshops will learn how to navigate conversations regarding the upcoming election year and propel them forward towards meaningful opportunities on and off-campus.

Click here for: Student Registration  

Folks can also checkout our Facebook event:

And the DLC Website:

If you have any questions or concerns about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact

Maude’s Awards (open to all) is a program of the Richard and Maude Ferry Foundation, will make eight annual awards – three $25,000 awards to organizations and five $5,000 awards to individuals – for innovations excelling in one of four categories of care.

As an individual, you don’t have to be a dementia care professional to qualify – we are interested in discovering ways that family caregivers and persons with dementia are making their life better for themselves and others in their situation.

Please note:  These are awards for existing programs, products or practices as opposed to grants for the future.

For more information about Maude’s Awards and award categories, visit  Award applications will open March 3, 2020.

Do you have an idea for a product that you’d like to take to market? Discover the possibilities for your idea through the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship’s first annual series of Consumer Product Workshop events organized in partnership with Seattle Made!

The Maker’s Journey: Consumer Product Food Festival + Panel 
Friday, 2/14 – 1-4pm (Anthony’s Forum, DEM 302)

  • 1-2pm – Sample Seattle-made food products and meet the business owners!
  • 2-3pm – The Maker’s Journey: Panel Discussion
  • 3-4pm – Continue to enjoy Seattle-made food products!

Consumer Product Workshop – Product Design, Manufacturing, Retail Strategy + more!

Saturday, 2/15 – 9:30am – 3pm (Anthony’s Forum, DEM 302)

  • 9:30am – Breakfast provided by Honest Biscuits (gluten-free options will be provided)
  • 10am – Welcome + Intros
  • 10:15am – Product Design 101 – bring your creative energy!
  • 11:45am – Lunch provided by Healthy Creations (all food will be vegan, gluten free and very delicious!)
  • 12:15pm – Bringing Your Idea to Market: Panel Discussion
  • 1pm – Mini Workshops (30-min rotating sessions)
    • How to Build a Thriving Customer Community
    • Retail Strategy: Online Sales vs. Brick + Mortar Businesses
    • Manufacturing Your Product
  • 3pm – Reflection + Next Steps!

Click here to RSVP!

Application work parties! Feb 3 & Feb 6

Stop by one or both as you prepare your application for the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge and/or Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge:

Monday, February 3, Dempsey Hall 211, 1 – 4:00 pm

Thursday, February 6, Paccar Hall, Deloitte Commons, 2 – 5 pm

Come start or finish your application with us! We’ll have snacks, examples of 5-7 page business summaries, and a couple of laptops, in addition to the competition managers there to answer your questions.



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