Graduate Research Assistant/Associate position with the Houselessness Intervention Project – App Deadline 2/20

The UW School of Law Mediation Clinic is pleased to announce an exciting graduate research position for our Houselessness Intervention Project. In partnership with two local non-profits, the UW Mediation Clinic is designing a one-year pilot program that uses early-intervention, conflict transformation strategies to reduce evictions and increase housing stability for people living in subsidized, low-income housing units or buildings. The person in this one-year position will collaborate with the lead researcher to plan, conduct, analyze and report on the impact and efficacy of the pilot program.

Please see the attached position description to learn about the project, this role, and how to apply. Masters, Predoctoral I and Predoctoral II students with social​ research experience are encouraged to apply for this Academic Student Employee (ASE) position. The deadline to apply is February 20th, 2022.

 For more information and to apply: Graduate RA position description, Houselessness Intervention Project


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