Offer Newsletter: Issue 108

Issue No. 108                                                                      February 22, 2022

Highlighted News and Announcements

Want your research to be more visible? 
Mark your calendars to join SSW’s Librarian Lynly Beard on March 8 at 2:00pm to learn about the five places you should keep Author Profiles! Your research depends in part on being findable- so ORCID, Web of Science, Dimensions, Scopus Preview and Google Scholar are all places where you will want to keep a profile. This event is recommended for all SSW faculty, research staff involved with publications, and students engaged in research. You can join on Zoom by clicking here.

NIH Salary Cap Increase
The NIH has announced that effective January 2, the Executive Level II salary cap has been increased to $203,700. For more information, see the NIH announcement here.

NIH Invites Feedback on their Strategic Plan Framework for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
the NIH-Wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan was released earlier this week (NOT-OD-22-061). Your input on the framework as the plan is developed is encouraged. Feedback will help ensure that DEIA principles continue to be embraced and integrated across NIH going forward. Feedback should be sent electronically by April 3, 2022.

New Publications
Counts, N. Z., Kuklinski, M. R., Kelleher, K. J., & Wang, Y. C. (2022). Valuing the cross-sector benefits from improving youth health to drive investment in place-based preventive interventions in the US: A simulation modeling study. Preventive Medicine, 156, 106981.

Selected Funding Opportunities
List of all active NIH grant opportunities

*Newly Added*
Letter of Intent Deadline: February 25, 2022
Latino Center for Health 2022 Small Grants Program
The Latino Center for Health is inviting applications for their 2022 Small Grants Program. The purpose of the program is to support academic-community partnered research.  This year’s theme is the effects of COVID-19 on the health and well-being of Latinos in Washington State. Applicants may requst up to $15,000. Please contact with any questions.

Leveraging Education Advanced Research Now (LEARN)
Deadline: Rolling between February 15 and March 1, 2022
The Advanced Education Research and Development Fund (AERFD) is seeking proposals that will advance solutions that support the assessment of social, emotional and educational assets in culturally diverse populations. The program will concentrate its efforts on solutions that lead to the precise identification of the social and emotional needs of Black and Latinx students or their educators in order to generate actionable knowledge for use in data-based decision-making.

National Academy of Medicine Catalyst Awards
Deadline: February 28, 2022
The National Academy of Medicine is currently seeking bold, new, and innovative ideas that aim to extend the human healthspan (i.e., the number of years lived in good health), especially approaches that challenge existing paradigms or propose new methodologies or concepts. High-risk ideas that could potentially yield high rewards and, in turn, dramatically change the field of healthy longevity are encouraged.

Understanding the role of Bilingualism in Cognitive Reserve/Resilience in Aging and AD/ADRD (R01)
Deadline: March 3, 2022
This funding opportunity supports research studying the role of bilingualism as it relates to cognitive reserve/resilience in healthy aging and in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (ADRD). There is a need for more prospective, hypothesis-driven research to build a theoretical framework and identify the extent to which acquiring a second language impacts human brain function.

Understanding Place-Based Health Inequalities in Mid-Life (R01)
Deadline: March 3, 2022
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support research that uncovers potential modifiable explanations about how “places” (e.g., countries, US Census regions, states, counties, neighborhoods, and locations across the urban-rural continuum) are related to morbidity and mortality among middle-aged adults in order to inform policy responses to address poor mid-life health and health disparities.

Royalty Research Fund (RRF) Spring 2022 Awards
Deadline: March 7, 2022
The Royalty Research Fund (RRF) is a competitive awards program that provides research support to University of Washington faculty. The purpose of the Royalty Research Fund (RRF) is to advance new directions in research, particularly in disciplines for which external funding opportunities are minimal, and/or for faculty who are junior in rank, and/or in cases where funding may provide unique opportunities to increase applicants’ competitiveness for subsequent funding. The RRF welcomes proposals with budgets up to $40,000. The success rate for applicants averages 25%.

2002 Synergistic Pilot AIDS Research Center (SPARC) Awards
Deadline: March 14, 2022
Through this RFA for pilot awards, the University of Washington Behavioral Research Center for HIV (UW BIRCH) aims to support researchers to conduct work that ‘sparks’ research in mental health and associated conditions in the context of HIV. Successful awardees will be included in the UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV (UW BIRCH) Scholars program which includes monthly fellowships meetings, access to mentors across the UW BIRCH network, and opportunities to collaborate with other SPARC scholars.

Health Policy Research Scholars
Deadline: March 16, 2022
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has announced funding for their Health Policy Research Scholars (HPRS) program, a four-year national leadership development program for full-time doctoral students. The goal of HPRS is to cultivate transformational leaders from diverse backgrounds with doctoral training—representing a wide range of research-focused disciplines who will inform and influence policy.

HEAL Initiative: Advancing Health Equity in Pain and Comorbidities (R61/R33)
Deadline: March 22, 2022
The purpose of this FOA is to solicit applications to develop, test, and implement novel, culturally-appropriate pain interventions and/or adapt, test and evaluate efficacy and effectiveness of existing pain interventions, in populations that disproportionately experience negative health outcomes. Interventions that target populations that experience health disparities with chronic pain in addition to at least one comorbid condition (OUD, mental health disorders and/or chronic health conditions) are of the highest priority.

CLIME 2022 Call for Grant Proposals
Deadline: March 25, 2022

The Center for Leadership and Innovation in Medical Education (CLIME) is pleased to announce a funding opportunity for faculty who are interested in pursuing education scholarship. The goal of this funding program is to provide CLIME members with opportunities to develop innovative education scholarship in the health professions, including the scholarship of discovery, integration, application, and teaching.

Community Level Interventions to Improve Minority Health and Reduce Health Disparities (R01)
Deadline: March 28, 2022
This initiative will support research projects to develop and test prospective community-level interventions to improve minority health and decrease health disparities. Projects are expected to be led by or conducted in collaboration with community partners and should focus on improving health outcomes and reducing health disparities.

*Newly Added*
Spring 2022 UW Global Innovation Fund
Deadline: March 31, 2022
The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) is now accepting applications for the Spring 2022 Global Innovation Fund (GIF) award cycle. GIF seeds projects focused on expanding international research and learning at the UW. We are especially interested in supporting proposals by new entrants and early career faculty. Funding is available for Research Awards (up to $20,000), Teaching & Curriculum Awards (up to $2,000), and Global Engagement Fellows ($3,000).

M-PARC Award
Deadline: March 31, 2022
UW BIRCH invites pilot study applications focused on research methodologies to help understand and ameliorate the confluence of challenges created by mental health and substance use disorders with HIV risk and infection.The purpose of the BIRCH M-PARC awards is to advance new methods in research related to mental health and HIV.  Responsive applications will propose either a new methodological approach, or a novel application of existing methods.

Secondary Analyses of Data on the National Incidence of Child Maltreatment
Deadline: April 4, 2022
These grants aim to support researchers conducting secondary analyses of data to inform the ongoing and accurate national surveillance of child abuse and neglect. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is particularly interested in innovative methodological approaches that leverage existing local, state, or national survey or administrative data sources to inform a comprehensive national picture of the scope and characteristics of child maltreatment, account for unreported cases, and/or consider variation in child welfare policies and practices across states and over time.

Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects Program: Community Living and Participation
Deadline: April 4, 2022
Applicants must propose a research project that is aimed at improving community living and participation outcomes among people with disabilities. In carrying out a research project under this program, a grantee must identify one or more hypotheses or research questions and, based on the hypotheses or research questions identified, perform an intensive, systematic study directed toward producing (1) new or full scientific knowledge, or (2) understanding of the subject or problem studied.

PCORI Engagement Award: Capacity Building
LOI Deadline: April 4, 2022
Application Deadline: July 11, 2022

This opportunity aims to support projects that help communities increase their facility with and ability to participate across all phases of the patient-centered outcomes research/comparative clinical effectiveness research enterprise. This award, up to 2 years in duration and up to $250,000 in funding, is for research support projects, not research studies.

PCORI Engagement Award: Dissemination Initiative
LOI Deadline: April 4, 2022
Application Deadline: July 11, 2022

This opportunity aims to support projects that help organizations and communities plan for or actively bring pertinent PCORI-funded research findings to their specific audiences, including relevant patients, clinicians, communities, and others, in ways that will command their attention and interest and encourage use of this information in their healthcare decision making.  This award, up to 2 years in duration and up to $250,000 in funding, is for research support projects, not research studies.

PCORI Engagement Award: Stakeholder Convening Support
LOI Deadline: April 4, 2022
Application Deadline: July 11, 2022

This opportunity aims to support projects that include multi-stakeholder convenings, meetings, and conferences that align with PCORI’s mission and facilitate expansion of patient-centered outcomes research/comparative clinical effectiveness research through collaboration around such efforts. This award, up to 2 years in duration and up to $250,000 in funding, is for research support projects, not research studies.

*Newly Added*
Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Mentorship
Deadline: April 7, 2022
Excellent mentorship and superior training are critical to the development of exceptional future scientists. Participating Institutes and Centers (ICs) are inviting applications for administrative supplements that will provide up to $250,000.00 (direct costs), not to exceed the cost of the parent award, to grants supporting faculty members who have mentoring and/or mentorship as part of their existing awards and have demonstrated a commitment to outstanding mentorship and training, especially to individuals from groups identified as underrepresented in the biomedical sciences (e.g., see the Notice of NIH’s of Interest in Diversity).

Advancing Integrated Models (AIM) of Care to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes among Women who Experience Persistent Disparities (R01)
Advancing Integrated Models (AIM) of Care to Improve Maternal Health Outcomes among Women who Experience Persistent Disparities (R21)
Deadline: April 7, 2022
Persistent disparities in maternal health outcomes are a public health crisis that require new insights and solutions. The purpose of these initiatives (R01 or R21), advancing integrated models (AIM) of care, is to support formative research, pilot studies, and intervention research that addresses structural inequities and reduces disparities in severe maternal morbidity and mortality. More specifically, this initiative seeks to advance the development, implementation, and evaluation of integrated models of supportive care to prevent adverse maternal health outcomes among disproportionately impacted populations.

Biopsychosocial Factor of Social Connectedness and Isolation on Health, wellbeing, Illness, and Recovery (R01) 
Deadline: May 21, 2022 (expires June 22, 2024)
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) invites research projects that seek to explain the underlying mechanisms, processes, and trajectories of social relationships and how these factors affect outcomes in human health, illness, recovery, and overall wellbeing. Also see related R01s here and here.

Notice of Special Interest; Research to address Vaccine Hesitancy, Uptake, and Implementation among Populations that Experience Health Disparities
Deadline: May 25, 2022; NOTE: Due date  may differ by institute (expires January 8, 2023)
This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) highlights the need for research on strategies, and interventions to address vaccine hesitancy, uptake, and implementation among populations who experience health disparities in the US and its territories.

Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant (R01)
Deadline: May 26, 2022 (can submit on future NIH deadlines through September 26, 2023)
The Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant supports an innovative project that represents a change in research direction for an early stage investigator (ESI) and for which no preliminary data exist. Applications submitted to this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) must not include preliminary data. Clinical trials not allowed.

Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements for Research on the Health of Women Understudied, Underrepresented and Underreported Populations
First Available Due Date: May 31, 2022; NOTE: Due date may differ by institute (expires February 1, 2023)
Administrative supplements are now available to PIs of active NIH awards to support projects highlighting common sources of disparities in women and girls’ health with a specific emphasis on those that integrate measures beyond the individual level and consider perspectives from multiple disciplines.

Notice of Special Interest: Epidemiologic studies in Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
Deadline: June 5, 2022; NOTE: Due date may differ by institute (expires November 19, 2024)
The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to stimulate novel epidemiological research to address key knowledge gaps within and between subpopulations of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. These populations are frequently aggregated in research, potentially masking important social and health differences.

Risk and Protective Factors of Family Health and Family Level Interventions (R01)
Deadline: June 5, 2022 (expires February 5, 2025)
The goal of this initiative is to support family level health observational and intervention studies in the biomedical, clinical, population, behavioral or social sciences. Projects must include a focus on families from one or more populations that NIH designates as experiencing health disparities in the US and territories, which include Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asians, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, underserved rural populations, and sexual and gender minorities (SGM).

Notice of Special Interest: Research to Improve the Interpretation of Patient-Reported Outcomes at the Individual Patient Level for Use in Clinical Practice
Deadlines: June 5, 2022 (R01), June 16 (R21) (expires May 8, 2023)
The focus of this NOSI is on self-report (PRO) measures that: a) have already been developed and validated for use in clinical research and have strong, demonstrated psychometric properties, and b) are currently being used, or could have utility, in clinical practice. Specifically, this Notice calls for methodological studies that provide meaningful interpretation of PRO scores collected and acted upon at the individual patient level for use in clinical decision-making.

Patient-Clinician Relationship: Improving Health Outcomes in Populations that Experience Health Care Disparities (R01)
Deadline: June 5, 2022 (expires October 5, 2024)
This funding opportunity supports innovative multi-disciplinary and multi-level (e.g., patient, clinician, interpersonal, health care system, community) research designed to understand how optimizing patient-clinician communication and relationship affects health care outcomes in patients from populations with health care disparities.

Effectiveness Trials for Post-Acute Interventions and Services to Optimize Longer Term Outcomes
Deadline: June 5, 2022 (expires February 5, 2024)
The National Institute of Mental Health seeks applications for research projects to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic and service delivery interventions for the post-acute management of mental health conditions affecting youth, adults, and older adults.

Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials of Complementary and Integrative Interventions Delivered Remotely or via mHealth
Deadline: June 5, 2022 (expires May 8, 2023)
This funding announcement encourages applications for investigator-initiated fully remotely delivered and conducted clinical trials to assess the efficacy or effectiveness of complementary and integrative health interventions.

Comprehensive Care for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus from Populations with Health Disparities
Deadline: June 5, 2022 (expires June 5, 2024)
This award will support innovative multidisciplinary and multi-level research designed to develop and/or test interventions to optimize care of persons with Type 2 diabetes from populations with health/health care disparities, including racial and ethnic minorities, sexual and gender minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, and underserved rural populations.

Notice of Special Interest: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Underserved and Vulnerable Populations
Deadline: June 5, 2022; NOTE: Due dates vary by institute (expires September 8, 2024)
The purpose of this Notice is to highlight interest in research regarding the impact of COVID-19 on populations that experience health disparities (racial and ethnic minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, underserved rural populations, and sexual and gender minorities) and other populations with medical or social vulnerabilities.

The Role of Work in Health Disparities in the U.S. 
Deadline: June 5, 2022 (expires June 5, 2024)
This funding opportunity supports innovative population-based research that can contribute to identifying and characterizing pathways and mechanisms through which work or occupation influences health outcomes and health status among populations with health and/or health care disparities, and how work functions as a social determinant of health.

Addressing Health Disparities among Immigrant Populations through Effective Interventions
Deadline: June 5, 2022 (expires January 5, 2023)
This announcement calls for multidisciplinary/multilevel research focusing on the design and implementation of effective interventions that will address immigrant-specific factors to reduce health disparities, particularly among migrant workers, recent and 1st generation immigrants.

Maximizing the Scientific Value of Secondary Analyses of Existing Cohorts and Datasets in Order to Address Research Gaps and Foster Additional Opportunities in Aging Research
Deadlines: June 5, 2022 (R01), June 16, 2022 (R21) (expires September 8, 2023)
This notice encourages the use of existing cohorts and datasets for well-focused secondary analyses on: (1) aging changes influencing health across the lifespan (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD)), (2) diseases and disabilities in older persons, and/or (3) the changes in basic biology of aging that underlie these impacts on health. Applicants should use the parent R01 and parent R21 application materials.

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R03)
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21)
Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01)
Deadlines: June 5, 2022 (R01), June 16, 2022 (R03, R21) 
These FOAs invite applications that will identify, develop, test, evaluate, and/or refine strategies to disseminate and implement evidence-based practices (e.g. behavioral interventions; prevention, treatment and disease management interventions) into public health, clinical practice, and community settings.

Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program
Deadline: June 24, 2022
The NIH has created the Lasker Clinical Research Scholars (Lasker Scholars) program that will offer applicants the opportunity to compete for a unique combination of intramural and extramural resources for clinical research. The program will support a small number of exceptional clinical researchers in the early stages of their independent careers to promote their development as fully independent scientists. The program combines a period of research experience as a tenure-track Investigator in the IRP with additional years of independent financial support.

*Newly Added*
William T. Grant Scholars Program
Deadline: July 6, 2022
The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. The program funds five-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas.

Emergency Awards: HEAL Initiative- New Innovator Award
Deadline: August 22, 2022
The Helping End Addiction Long-Term (HEAL) New Innovator Award supports a postdoctoral or newly independent Early Stage Investigator of exceptional creativity who proposes novel, original and insightful research concepts with the potential to produce a major impact, test scientific paradigms, or advance key concepts on broad, important problems in biomedical research related to pain, opioid use disorder (OUD), and/or overdose (OD). Applications proposing unexpected convergence of disciplines, new scientific directions, or the use of novel methodologies are encouraged.

Notice of Special Interest: Administrative Supplements for Research on Sexual and Gender Minority Populations
First Available Due Date: January 31, 2023 (expires February 1, 2024)
This NOSI calls for research that will enrich scientific understanding of how sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or being born with differences/disorders in sex development (DSDs) or intersex characteristics relate to health outcomes, health risks, health behaviors, perceptions and expectations about health, and access to health-related services or associated barriers.

Measures and Methods to Advance Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities-Related Constructs (R01)
Deadline: February 5, 2023 (expires February 5, 2024)
This initiative will support research to improve the measures and methods for complex social constructs that capture the lived experience of populations that experience health disparities.  Projects are expected to examine the performance and utility of specific measurement and/or methodological approaches.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity
Deadline: Rolling
This funding is focused on studies about upstream causes of health inequities, such as the systems, structures, laws, policies, norms, and practices that determine the distribution of resources and opportunities, which in turn influence individuals’ options and behaviors. Research should center on the needs and experiences of communities exhibiting the greatest health burdens and be motivated by real-world priorities.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health
Deadline: Rolling
Pioneering Ideas seeks proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. We are interested in ideas that address any of these four areas of focus: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work. Additionally, we welcome ideas that might fall outside of these four focus areas, but which offer unique approaches to advancing health equity and our progress toward a Culture of Health.

Events and Lectures

How Pediatric Clinical Research can Promote Health Equity
February 17, 10:00-12:00pm
This session will provide a general overview as well as specific insights into how the NIH and The Children’s Inn address health equity in extramural and intramural research as well as in the programs and services provided by The Inn. Throughout the event, participants will hear from NIH leaders and researchers, lawmakers, Inn leaders and families.

Networking to Enhance Development (NED) Conference
February 17, 11:00am-1:00pm
The NED Conference is an annual professional development conference for research coordinators. Participants will expand their knowledge and skills and get a chance to develop contacts, share ideas, and learn from peers.

UW School of Mental Health Assessment, Research, & Training Speaker Series
February 23, 8:30-9:45am

Please join Kimberly Arnold, PhD, MPH – Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine for her talk “Strategies for Advancing Mental Health Equity in Schools”. Dr. Arnold will present her research in the areas of social determinants of health as they relate to food security, housing, educatino, and mental health care access and quality. RSVP required.

*Newly Added*
Critical Feminist Social Work Roundtable on Social Work, Critical Feminism, & Sex Work
February 24, 12:00-1:30pm
Join Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work for a Critical Feminist Social Work Roundtable on Social Work, Critical Feminisms, & Sex Work. We will hear Sharvari Karandikar, Sunny Sinha, and Alix Lutnick discuss their use of critical feminisms in social work research. Registration required.

So you Want to do a Systemic Review? Introduction to Systemic Review Methodology and Practicalities
February 25, 10:30-12:00pm
Join the UW Behavioral Research Center for HIV (BIRCH) for an informative and practical presentation on how (and whether) to perform a systematic review. The session will cover features of systematic and scoping reviews, formulating research questions, developing protocols and search strategies, using tools to manage the study selection process, and reporting results. Registration required.

Enhanced Prevention Learning Series: Organizational Elements of Effective Coalitions
March 2-April 13 (Wednesdays), 2:30-4:00pm
This 7-week series offers a unique interactive experience that provides participants an opportunity to learn more about the key organizational elements that assist coalitions of all types to operate efficiently and effectively. This series will have a special focus on coalitions that promote healthy youth development to reduce substance misuse and other related problem behaviors.

On-the-Spot Panel Discussion: Engaging Key Decision Makers to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harms
March 14, 2022,10:00am-12:30pm
Join us for this On-the-Spot Panel Discussion with public health, prevention, and regulatory experts who will share recent successes, lessons learned, and science-based tools to promote public safety and reduce alcohol-related harms. Registration required.

*Newly Added*
Learn about the William T. Grant Scholars Program
March 15, 9:00am
The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. Program Officer Melissa Wooten and Senior Vice President Vivian Tseng will provide an overview of eligibility details, required materials, and application review criteria, as well as the background and broader goals of the program. Melissa and Vivian will also answer questions from attendees and share practical advice on how to prepare a competitive proposal. Registration required.

UW School of Mental Health Assessment, Research, & Training Speaker Series
March 23, 8:30-9:45am

Please join Dr. Brian Boyd in his talk “Exploring the Consequences of Bias and Structural Racism on Service Disparities in Autism”. Dr. Boyd has been heavily engaged in research that involves the most vulnerable, and often marginalized, populations. As a special educator by training, much of his research has involved the development and evaluation of evidence-based practices that could be implemented within school-based contexts. RSVP required.

Conferences, Workshops, and Training Opportunities

Early Career Mentoring Institute Call for Applications
Application Deadline: February 18, 2022
Applications are invited for the 2022 National Research Center on Poverty and Economic Mobility Early-Career Mentoring Institute (ECMI). This week-long convening, held in Davis, California, will provide valuable mentoring and career development opportunities to poverty and social mobility scholars who are in the early stages of their research careers and who have the potential for leadership in supporting members of populations that are underrepresented among academic researchers.

Towards 2044: Horowitz Early Career Scholar Program
Deadline: March 1, 2022
The Towards 2044: Horowitz Early Career Scholar Program is seeking applications for scholars and mentors. The program provides educational and professional development for scholars, giving them a launching point for a career in the field of child development. The Towards 2044 initiative was originally developed to encourage and support scholars from under-represented ethnic/racial groups from North America in pursuing graduate work in developmental science.

Advancing Environmental Health Equity Through Implementation Science Workshop
February 28-March 1, 2022, 8:00am-2:00pm
Exposures in the physical, built, and social environments can negatively affect the health of individuals and communities and disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minority groups.The purpose of this workshop hosted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is to explore how implementation science can inform the development, adaptation, implementation and scale-up of interventions, practices, and policies to prevent or mitigate potentially harmful environmental exposures and ultimately advance environmental health equity.

NIMHD Health Disparities Research Institute
Application Deadline: March 14, 2022
The Health Disparities Research Institute at NIH aims to support the research career development of promising early-career minority health/health disparities research scientists and stimulate research in the disciplines supported by health disparities science. Lecture and seminar topics focus on the etiology of health disparities, research design, methods and measurement, and intervention and implementation research. Application required.

Fragile Families Summer Data Workshop
Deadline for applications: March 18, 2022
The Columbia Population Research Center is accepting applications for the Fragile Families Summer Data Workshop to be held (most likely virtually) June 21-24, 2022. This CPRC workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the data available in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, a national study following a birth cohort of (mostly) unmarried parents and their children, providing information about the capabilities, circumstances, and relationships of unwed parents, the wellbeing of their children, and the role of public policy in family and child wellbeing.

American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Conference
March 21-22, 2022 (Virtual)
The American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences (AABSS) holds an annual conference that brings together scholars from around the U.S. and abroad in order to present scholarship related to a wide variety of contexts, including theory, practice, empirical research, and conceptual advancement.

*Newly Added*
3rd Annual Virtual Conference: Advances in Mindfulness and Acceptance Based Clinical Tools for Treating Adolescents and Young Adults
April 29, 2022
This one-day virtual symposium brings together experts to provide updates on evidence-based mindfulness and acceptance approaches to improving lives of adolescents and young adults struggling with a broad array of obstacles. Participants will learn from case examples, experiential exercises, and group discussions, and will have opportunities to network with professionals with shared interests. A “data-blitz” in the afternoon will provide opportunities to learn a snapshot of some of the latest clinical research in this area.

*Newly Added*
Online Certificate in Mixed Methods Research
Mondays and Wednesdays in June 2022, 3:00-5:00pm, Online
This 30-hour program is designed for researchers and practitioners who are interested in learning more about the integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods and data, commonly used data collection methods and procedures, popular data analysis techniques used in the applied professions, and effective approaches to research conducted in practice settings.

LGBTQ Research Symposium
June 2-3, 2022 (virtual)
This symposium provides researchers an opportunity to present their work, discuss challenges and opportunities, and network with others conducting LGBTQ+ research across disciplines.

National Organization of Forensic Social Work Annual Conference
June 14-16, 2022
The theme of this conference is Social Justice and Unjust Systems: Strategies to Advance Structural Change. Topics will include: understanding clients’ intersectionality in order to provide more inclusive and equitable services; disaggregating data and reporting outcomes with context; and developing theories of structural/systems change to support long term transformation and justice.

National Alliance on Mental Illness Annual Conference
June 15-18, 2022
As one of the largest community-driven gatherings of mental health advocates in the U.S., NAMI’s annual national convention connects and inspires people looking for resources, research, support and programming. NAMICon as a hybrid event in 2022, combining an in-person convention experience with select events and sessions streaming online.

American Society on Aging and the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology Online Gerontology Courses
Course dates Summer- Fall 2020 Online
The American Society on Aging and the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology are offering four different five-week online gerontology courses. The online learning curriculum will expand your knowledge of aging issues with in-depth information and insights.CE credits are offered from select accreditation providers.

Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners Course
Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners is a 4.5 hour self-paced course that provides important information on what prevention professionals need to know about cannabis. This 3-part series will cover the Effects of Cannabis, Cannabis and the Adolescent Brain, and Cannabis Pharmacology.

Pharmacology for Prevention Specialists (4-part series)
Explore the basics of how substances impact major brain regions and the acute and chronic symptoms associated with different substances. Topics include Basics of Pharmacology and Alcohol, Opioids, Psychostimulants, and Cannabis.

Boston University School of Social Work’s Center for Aging & Disability Research & Education (CADER)
Prepare for the challenges of a rapidly changing society with CADER state-of-the-art online training programs. All CADER courses cover content areas related to legal and ethical considerations, cultural competence, person-centered approaches, health literacy, and strategies for communicating effectively in difficult situations. These online courses are available separately or as part of a certificate program, are self-paced, and can be taken anytime, and provide continuing education credits.

Arizona Rural Women’s Health Network: Sexual Violence Training for Community Health Workers
Ongoing-online (CHEHs)
The Arizona Rural Women’s Health Network offers a free 4 hour course that provides an introduction to basic knowledge and skills useful in assisting and responding to victims of sexual violence. The online course includes self-paced modules, a workbook, and a simulated role-play scenario.

Junior Investigator Group: Quantitative Research Methods for Behavioral research around HIV and Mental Health
The UW BIRCH Methods Core is seeking a handful of early stage investigators to join a junior investigator group focused on quantitative research methods for behavioral research around HIV and mental health. The group will meet monthly and will focus on quantitative methods topics to assist participants in securing funding, actively publishing, and otherwise advancing in their careers.

Junior Investigator Group: UW/Fred Hutch Behavioral Science Core
The UW/Fred Hutch CFAR’s Behavioral Science Core supports an ongoing “Junior Investigator Group” or JIG that is open to new members for the next academic year. Co-facilitated by Drs. Deepa Rao, Judith Tsui, and Jane Simoni, the JIG assists early stage investigators who are interested in research on the behavioral aspects of HIV. The group meets monthly and assists members in securing funding, actively publishing, and otherwise successfully advancing in their careers.

Postdoctoral Fellowships, Internships, and Research Job Opportunities

Research Scientist Position at SDRG
The Social Development Research Group (SDRG) at UW is seeking Research Scientists (PhD required) to work on grant projects funded by the NIH. SDRG is home to several longitudinal studies broadly focused on testing long-term effects of substance use prevention systems and interventions and understanding substance use (including e-cigarette use) across adolescence, young adulthood, and extending into middle-age. We are seeking research scientists to help us meet existing study aims, develop new research projects, and write grants. Responsibilities are primarily conducting quantitative data analysis and writing for publication as part of a team. For additional details, email Martie Skinner at

Science Advocacy Internship
Deadline: Rolling

The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives (NPSC) is offering an internship for undergraduate and graduate students. The purpose of the position is to expand awareness and commitment to leveraging evidence-based prevention approaches for reducing social ills (e.g., crime, poverty, trauma) and saving taxpayer dollars. The student will work with senior prevention scientists to translate research into products that are readable by a lay audience. Start date is flexible. For more information, please email Tasha Murphy (

SSW Research Assistant/Coordinator Position
Deadline: Rolling 
Dr. Megan Moore at SSW is hiring for a Research Assistant/Coordinator position to assist with a qualitative study to understand the impacts of COVID on stakeholder engagement as part of a larger PCORI-funded study of a transitions of care model with patients and family members who have sustained a traumatic brain injury. for more information, please email Dr. Moore at or Leslie Kempthorne (

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Implementation Research in Suicide Prevention
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The Innovation in Suicide Prevention Implementation Research (INSPIRE) Center at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships to begin in Summer or Fall 2022. This interdisciplinary training program provides an opportunity for social scientists to improve their knowledge of implementation science, health information technology, participatory design, qualitative and quantitative research methods, and how to conduct research that can improve outcomes for our most vulnerable citizens.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Boston College
Deadline: Open Until Filled
Boston College School of Social Work invites applications to a post-doctoral fellowship focused on issues of relevance to maternal and child health and health equity, with a special focus on child abuse prevention. This position will offer many professional growth opportunities including manuscript, report, and conference presentation writing and development; data management and analysis; grant writing; translation and dissemination of study findings; supervision and mentoring.

Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Research on Issues Related to Interpersonal Violence: Rutgers School of Social Work
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The Center on Violence Against Women & Children (VAWC) at the Rutgers School of Social Work is seeking two postdoctoral scholars interested in gaining further experience related to issues of interpersonal violence. Two postdoctoral scholars are currently sought to focus on 1) assessing campus climate related to interpersonal violence and 2) interpersonal victimization of Latinos.

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social-Emotional Learning and Substance Abuse Prevention
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The Innovation in Child and Family Wellness Research Group of Virginia Commonwealth University is accepting applications for a postdoctoral position to examine the efficacy of a trauma-informed, social- emotional learning program to reduce adolescent substance use. This is a 1-year fellowship, with the option to renew for an additional year.

Postdoctoral Position at Penn State University
Deadline: Open Until Filled
The Context and Development Lab (CDL) at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for a Post-doctoral Scholar position to begin July or August, 2022 (preferred, but negotiable). The goal of our research is to elucidate the development of adolescents, with particular attention to contextual supports and an examination of the ways in which cultural values and norms associated with race and/or ethnicity and socioeconomic status influence youth development and family practices.

Call for Papers and Abstracts

*Newly Added*
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work Articles on COVID 19
Deadline: Rolling

Everyone’s well-being, livelihood, and human rights are at risk as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, however it has exacerbated existing disparities experienced by traditionally oppressed groups. The Journal of Human Rights and Social Work invites authors to contribute relevant articles examining human rights issues including but not limited to violations of the human rights to health and medical care, education, free speech, and a fair trial.

Notes from the Field: Narratives in Social Work
Deadline: Open Until Filled
For academics and practitioners who have social work direct practice experience with clients AND have experience with or are interested in writing creative non-fiction: Notes From the Field comprises essays (about 2,000 words) that encapsulate social problems through work (not office-based psychotherapy but other kinds of social work practice) with individuals, groups, families, or communities. Culturally diverse authors are particularly encouraged. If interested and to get more information, please contact Jacqueline Corcoran at

Global Social Welfare: Research, Policy Practice Special Call for COVID Research
Deadline: Ongoing
Global Social Welfare is inviting authors to contribute research articles sharing experiences and results (both positive and negative) with our readers who can use this information to inform the development and implementation of future social work, social policy and public health programs.

The database for BIPOC-Authored Social Work Papers
Deadline: Ongoing
The BIPOC-Authored Papers for Social Work database was created in an effort to amplify BIPOC voices and perspectives, and to increase the representation of BIPOC authors across social work curriculum. As faculty engage in critical analysis of their syllabi and curricula, the availability of BIPOC-authored materials is an essential element of dismantling the white supremacy embedded in social work and transforming social work education and practice. As a crowd-sourced database, this collaborative endeavor has the potential to elevate academic excellence and enhance a diverse, inclusive, values-based learning environment.

Call for Papers Related to COVID-19
Deadline: Rolling Submission
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing health disparities experienced by traditionally oppressed groups including older adults, low-wage workers and those living in poverty, and people with underlying health conditions. Public policies and practices that intentionally or unintentionally favor positive outcomes for certain groups over others violate human rights and must be rectified. As a result, rather than a one-time special issue of the journal, we invite authors to contribute relevant articles on a rolling basis for peer review.

Research Resources

NIH Grants YouTube Channel
The NIH hosts a YouTube channel where you can learn about NIH fundamentals, peer review, NIH policy, compliance, special funding programs, and more!

Research Resources for Investigators studying American Indian/Alaska Native Populations
The Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections has made available several materials from a recent workshop for those interested in conducting research involving AI/AN populations.

ITHS Scientific Success Committee
ITHS has created a Scientific Success Committee, a group of experienced investigators, statisticians and bioethicists who provide feedback on study design, strategy or feasibility from early stages of development until implementation of a study. The committee meets monthly, and requires a brief application for consideration.

ITHS Career Development Series
The ITHS Career Development Series consist of monthly lectures and workshops designed to provide junior faculty and investigators with tools, a forum for discussion, and learning opportunities to help advance their careers. Below you will find all the seminars we have recorded, so you can tap into this knowledge when ever you need to! Topics include: How to write Specific Aims, study recruitment strategies, grant writing skills, and responding to reviewer comments.

Video Guide: Overview of Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards, especially the Individual Fellowships (F awards) and Institutional Training Grants (T awards)
In this video, NIH’s Dennis Twombly and Lisa Moeller will take you through an overview of these two types of awards, providing some tips along the way.

All About Grants Podcasts
The Office of Extramural Research (OER) at NIH hosts a series of podcasts relating to NIH grants that is designed for investigators, fellows, students, and research administrators. Episodes cover topics such as grant preparation, developing successful grant applications, advice for new and early career scientists, submitting your application, the peer-review process, and post-award activities and requirements. The latest episode focuses on the newly required Diversity Plans for conference applications. Episodes are available as mp3s for download, and via iTunes. To access mp3s and transcripts of each podcast, click here.

Process for submitting a grant application through SSW
OFFER has created a new proposal timeline, a step by step guide outlining all the steps involved from starting through completing the research grant application process at SSW. This form, along with a sample proposal checklist and other useful information can be accessed through MySSW/ProposalDevelopment/Getting Started.

We encourage our readers to submit postings to be included to help us stay relevant to the broad range of social work research interests.
Please email Tasha Murphy at
to circulate information on funding opportunities, publications, and events. 

To access an array of research resources, including guiding principles, proposal development, sample grant applications, human subject reviews and more go to MySSW. For information on the latest COVID-19 research opportunities, go here.


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