Health Equity Circle – Recruiting student leaders

APPLICATION: core-leadership-team-position-application-1-1

About Health Equity Circle

Health Equity Circle is an interdisciplinary group of students, health professionals, and community members that educates, organizes, and mobilizes its members to work upstream to address the social determinants of health and to shift power toward health equity.  We envision a world free from the threats of health injustice and inequity, and believe that we have a role to play in creating that world.

The Core Leadership Team (CLT) is comprised of Lead Organizers and our Faculty Advisor whose primary responsibilities are outlined below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at

What the Core Leadership Team does:

  • Provide vision, direction, and logistical support for HEC activities.
  • Build and develop HEC membership: recruitment and retainment.
  • Support campaign development so HEC produces concrete and tangible wins.
  • Develop institutional culture that fosters teamwork and leadership development.
  • Advocate for further institutional support from the UW and other applicable institutions for HEC efforts.
  • Build inter-professional relationships within UW schools and extra-campus relationships, partnerships, and alliances with key community members and organizations.
  • Facilitate leadership development and transitions.
  • Fundraise to ensure dues are paid to Sound Alliance in a timely fashion.
  • Build regional and city-wide HEC connections.
  • Designate individuals responsible for coordinating UW Seattle’s part of the annual HEC summit.
  • Work to develop mechanisms for expanding HEC to other UW Medicine WWAMI (Wyoming, Washington, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho) campuses and beyond
  • Work to ensure that HEC is an inclusive anti-oppression and pro-justice institution with a culture that actively challenges systems of oppression, including racism, cis/hetero/sexism, ableism, and classism.
  • Build institutional culture that allows space for difficult conversations and the discomfort that may come with working towards sustainable social change. Lead by example.
  • Speak at and participate in UCONJ 624, HEC events and Sound Alliance events as applicable.

Individual Core Leadership Team Member Responsibilities:

  • Attend Core Leadership Team meetings every other week.
  • Commit ~3-4 hours to HEC per week throughout the whole school year (this is flexible and can be negotiated week to week).
  • Engage in regular communication with CLT, Campaign Leads, HEC Ambassadors, and Member Organizers, including working together to achieve goals.
  • Serve as a liaison to at least one HEC campaign.
  • Fulfill responsibilities specific to your designated role.
  • Rotate through roles of facilitating and note-taking at biweekly CLT meetings
  • Work to develop own inner-dialogue to process internalized privilege/oppression and seek resources to help integrate anti-oppressive practice in your professional development.
  • Stay attuned to group dynamics to ensure anti-oppressive principles are being observed and practiced.
  • Participate in UCONJ624, Sound Alliance or Spokane Alliance’s Leadership Institute prior to the start of the academic year (or at your first opportunity).

CLT Role Descriptions:

Membership Leads

  • Lead the development of quarterly HEC-wide events, including the annual General Assembly, Research Actions, and Action Assemblies.
  • Nurture leadership development and facilitate leadership transitions.
  • Drive any campaigns related to institutional recognition and support of HEC.
  • Engage all CLT and campaign leads in recruiting and retaining HEC membership across all health science schools.
    • Primary base-building and leadership development strategies include the course, house meetings, the general assembly, engagement with campaigns, participation in research actions and action assemblies, and HEC sponsored SDOH-focused events.
    • Primary retention strategies include regular communication and engagement with different levels of HEC members (campaign leads, ambassadors, member organizers, etc).
  • Develop and maintain HEC Ambassador program
    • Define HEC Ambassador Roles and Responsibility
    • Develop training for HEC Ambassadors
    • Regularly engage ambassadors (2-3 times per quarter)
    • Recruit new ambassadors and maintain current ambassadors.
    • Familiarize self with needs of existing HEC campaigns and be ready to support bigger actions and campaign needs with Ambassador participation.
    • Delegate tasks relating to each event as appropriate and supervise event planning and logistics
  • Support current campaigns, which includes ensuring all CLT members have bi-monthly one-to-ones with campaign leads and a general focus on skill-building and agitation.

Operations and Logistics Lead

  • Lead scheduling efforts, including biweekly CLT meetings and monthly Campaign Lead Meetings.
  • Provide logistics support to all other members. This includes:
    • Summer Retreat: attend planning meetings, make room reservations, coordinate communication.
    • General Assembly: attend planning meetings, procure AV equipment, make room reservations, provide support the day of the event.
    • Tabling: coordinate wCreate and maintain HEC history and archives.
    • Organize the CLT and help guide the vision, mission, and fulfillment of yearly goals of HEC
    • Maintain member contact list and building cross-school relationships: This might include incorporating admin, staff and faculty as members or at least building ties with staff, faculty, and administrators who support HEC.
    • ith the School of Dentistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Social Work, and Nursing to secure a tabling spot or time during orientation to present Health Equity Circle. Recruit people to table, and provide materials.
  • Coordinate with Fundraising and Finance Lead to build a relationship with our RSO advisor and apply for grants.Oversee and facilitate admin, communications, and swag (website, file system, listserv, Facebook, quarterly newsletters, advertisements for course and quarterly events, buttons / merch)

Communications Lead

  • Maintain the HEC email, listserv, website, and social media pages in conjunction with the Operations and Logistics Lead.
  • Maintain institutional memory and ensure others are participating in appropriate documentation practices.
  • Work directly with Operations and Logistics Lead to ensure campaign maintenance across school breaks and leadership turnover.
  • Communicate regularly with all levels of HEC membership
  • Oversee the distribution of messaging about courses and quarterly events
  • Write and disseminate the quarterly newsletter.
  • Support/facilitate the development of a toolkit for regional sites to start their own Health Equity Circle.

Grassroots Fundraising and Finance Lead

  • Steer the annual giving project that funds the Health Equity Circle organizing position.
  • Generate enough income to pay Sound Alliance dues and annual operating expenses. If time allowed, they would support the development of any larger grants.
  • Oversee the management of the HEC budget.
  • Manage the BECU account.
  • Providing the CLT updates as to funding needs.
  • Understand what the funding needs are for each quarter and various campaigns.
  • Meet with potential donors within or outside UW.
  • Work towards creating/updating fundraising materials (i.e. brochure) or giving campaigns.

Community Outreach Lead

  • Maintain contact with other relevant Sound Alliance member campaigns as well as networking outside of Sound Alliance for the benefit of HEC.
  • Manage and build external relationships, with groups like UUC, the Cherry Hill residents, etc.
  • Work closely with the Campaign Lead Organizers and Sound Alliance to identify partnerships for campaigns.
  • Collaborate with the Grassroots Fundraising and Finance Lead in the event that community collaborations were to grow into funding opportunities.
  • Join monthly Sound Alliance Strategy Team Meetings as a member.
  • Attend a Sound Alliance Leadership training.
  • Organize relational meetings with potential allies or funders and coordinate appropriate efforts with other CLT members.
  • Meet (virtually) and coordinate with HEC Leadership in Spokane and Portland to align efforts, reporting back to CLT on regional activities.
  • Consult with Sound Alliance on regional activities as needed.

Education Leads

  • Collaborate closely with HEC Advisor (Kelsen Caldwell) to recruit and manage Teaching Team.
  • Must have taken UCONJ624, Sound Alliance Leadership Training, or Spokane equivalent. (Can take fall quarter to teach winter quarter)
  • Facilitates/oversee grading, curriculum development, organizing the teaching team, and logistical planning related to the course.
  • Coordinate with Sound Alliance and Ambassador Lead on relevant actions.
  • Recruit students to take the course.
  • Duties include supervising weekly course needs (powerpoints, speakers, agendas, attendance, grading, homework assignments, and assessment), organizing teaching team meetings, and ensuring all class dates have appropriate teaching coverage.

Regional Expansion and Development Lead

  • Develop mechanisms with Faculty Advisor for expanding Health Equity Circle to other WWAMI campuses.
  • Coordinate UW Seattle’s part of the annual HEC summit.
  • Duties include meeting (virtually) and coordinating with HEC Leadership in Spokane and Portland to align efforts, reporting back to CLT on regional activities, supporting/facilitating the development of a toolkit for regional sites to start their own Health Equity Circle, and consulting with Sound Alliance on regional activities as needed.
  • This member works with the Community Outreach Lead to identify opportunities for regional collaborations and works with the Membership Leads to stay up to date on HEC Campaign goals.

Historian and Files Manager

  • Facilitate use of all previous resources housed in the google drive.
  • Capture and record activities for the year including filing all created flyers, presentations, and pictures from events.
  • Update HEC documents to include new successes, campaigns, and contacts.
  • Assist in managing the listserv and website.
  • Assist in capturing Core meeting notes and ensuring members are aware of next steps.

Faculty Advisor

The advisor:

  • Supports the development of lead organizers so they can steer Health Equity Circle toward the fulfillment of its vision, mission, and annual goals.
  • Provides ongoing support to campaign leads and plays an agitating role to move campaigns.
  • Ensures that Sound Alliance dues are fundraised and paid in a timely fashion.
  • Attends biweekly Core Leadership Team meetings as appropriate.
  • Coordinate UCONJ Teaching Team as needed.
  • Participate in UCONJ course as needed dependent on student participation.
  • Facilitates leadership transitions on an annual basis and works with lead organizers to cultivate and mentor incoming leaders.
  • Establishes timelines and work plans and works with leaders to lead with integrity, honesty, and follow through.
  • Facilitates regional networking and expansion of the HEC to WWAMI sites.
  • Maintains working relationship with Sound Alliance organizers
  • Pursues grant funding and key external partnerships (e.g. Cherry Hill residency program, Unitarian Universalist).
  • Supports growth and development of organizing pipeline for faculty, staff, and students.


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