Work-study job on campus, must be work-study eligible (posted 9/12/18)

I’m reaching out because we are currently seeking to hire a student Career Development Office Assistant in the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance Career Development office. This is a work-study position that would last for the 2018-2019 academic year—open to both graduate and undergraduate students. I would appreciate it if you could forward this announcement along to your network and any interested students! While the position will primarily be database and email management, it’s a great opportunity for any student interested in learning more about public sector careers and job search. The student would be working very closely with career development and student services staff, and regularly communicating with employers in the public sector, so it’s a great networking opportunity. There is also potential for project work that may align with a students’ interests and skills.

Please feel free to reach out with questions and to pass this information along to interested students! Students can apply by emailing their resume and cover letters to me at

2018 Career Development Office Assistant


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