NESAC/BIO provides state-of-the-art surface analysis tools to researchers in the biomedical community. You can gain access to the NESAC/BIO facilities in one of the following ways:
Per the recommendation of the NIH study session, NESAC/BIO must charge a user fee for surface analysis services. The current fee is $49.66 per hour for research under federal funding or for non-profit organizations. Studies performed under the auspices of NESAC/BIO must be intended for eventual publication. NESAC/BIO will, in some cases, cover the costs for trial experiments and feasibility studies, or cost-share surface analysis fees. Contact Dr. Lara Gamble, the Associate Director or Contact Dr. David Castner, the Director for details.
To obtain further information on using the resource, Contact Dr. Lara Gamble, the Associate Director or contact Dr. David Castner, the Director. All projects undertaken by NESAC/BIO are subject to approval by our National Advisory Board.
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