Neurology 642

St. Luke's Neurology Clinic
Boise, ID

222 N. 2nd St., Ste 307
Boise, ID 83702

Site Director: James Whiteside, MD
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Site Manager: Ana Ramirez Barroso
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Clinic (208) 381-7335
Fax (208) 381-4138


Paperwork requirements 4 weeks prior to clerkship start

New Student to St. Luke's

  • Student onboarding is now handled via the Clinical Exchange web based platform.  The Idaho WWAMI office will add the rotation dates to myClinicalExchange and the medical center team will then approve the rotation and review any onboarding documents within that system. There will be a cost to create an account to use the program.  Please follow the instructions.

Returning Student to St. Luke's

  • You will be receiving instructions from Krista Schuster via email.

Krista Schuster
Medical Education Coordinator
Center for Learning and Development
St. Luke's Health System
400 S. Broadway Ave. | Plaza 1, 6th Floor | Boise, ID 83712
Phone: 208-381-7857  Fax (208) 381-1508
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Travel & Housing

Travel: The UW SoM WWAMI Student Travel web site is managed by the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. team and is the best resource for students who have questions about travel and travel reimbursement.

Housing: For this required clinical clerkship students will be contacted by the Idaho WWAMI office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Students are responsible for confirming whether they WILL or WILL NOT need to stay in the WWAMI medical student housing in a timely fashion. Prior to accessing the housing students are required to complete the necessary paperwork and provide a check for damage deposit.

Housing Contact:
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(208) 364-4544


Orientation, First Day & What To Bring

Clerkship orientation: You will need to view the away student orientation video on the Distance Learning page.

First day: Contact Dr. Whiteside ’s office at least one week before you begin to find our where and when to arrive on your first day.

Equipment to bring: White coat and name tag, reflex hammer, tuning fork (128Hz), stethoscope,
(Ophthalmoscope recommended).

Pocket syllabus: A “pocket syllabus” is available at the clinic. A printable (PDF) version is also available on the Pocket Syllabus page.


Course Requirements

Course requirements are listed below. Refer to the Distance Learning page for due dates.

Cases: Two case write-ups are due each week. Further information is available in the orientation video and on the Cases page. Your assigned case numbers are on the Distance Learning page. Please note that your assigned case numbers are different than for the Seattle-based students. Weekly case answers and video lectures will be available on the Distance Learning page on Thursdays after 1PM.

Patient log: You are required to log in the patients you have seen each week. The log is described in the clerkship orientation video. Additional details are on the Patient Log page.

Clinical & Bioethical CEX exercises: You are required to do both a clinical and a bioethical mini-CEX for this course. See the Mini-CEX page for details.

Presentations: Presentation requirements are described in the orientation video and are available on the Presentations page.

Final exam: The scheduling/notification process runs through UW Testing Services and the contact email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. See the Final Exam page for information about the exam.


About The Site

There is a computer with Internet access available to you while in the office.