22(5) Physical Activity and Exercise for Children with Special Health Care Needs – Part 2 – Selected conditions and considerations

This is Part II of a two-part series. The previous edition of Nutrition Focus (Part 1 – July/August 2007) introduced concepts and principles related to children and exercise with specific recommendations for normally developing and obese children. Part II of this article addresses the physical activity needs of children with special health care needs, including specific recommendations for children with Down syndrome, seizures, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, scoliosis, Prader-willi syndrome, spina bifida, neuromuscular diseases, and cerebral palsy.

The Kids Activity Pyramid, produced by Park-Nicollet, is included in Part 2 of this series. You can see the pyramid on page 9. Please see the RESOURCES section for additional information on obtaining the pyramid in various forms.

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