ASPO Otobase

Saving and loading searches

Building a saved search is the same as creating a search set. Both use the New Query form. The difference is that after you have defined your search criteria, you save the search and it becomes part of a database record that you can access easily. In addition, you can save the same search to a file on your computer, and you or another user can then reload the saved search into another database Search/SeqSearch-Checklist.

To save a search to a database record
  1. Enter the criteria for the search you are building on the New Query form.
  2. Click Save.
  3. When the dialog box appears, enter a name for your Saved Search.

Once you save a search, you can re-load it from the New Query form.

To load a saved search from a database record
  1. On the New Query form, click Load to display the available Saved Searches for the current master table.

  2. Select the appropriate Saved Search.
    The search criteria appear in the upper box on the New Query form. You can modify a saved search using the data fields, combining operators and values on the form.
  3. To execute the search, click Query.

If you believe there is a Saved Search available that is not in your pop-up list, click Refresh List.

All users can review Saved Searches from the Preferences form by selecting File > Preferences and then selecting Search/SeqSearch-Checklist. The list on the right side of the Preferences form shows all tables in the database, with plus sign (Windows) or arrow (Mac) to denote tables with a saved search. Opening the sublist shows the saved searches. To view a Saved Search, double-click on its list item and a Saved Search form will appear, looking identical to the New Query form but with your search criteria already listed.

If you want to save/load a Saved Search to or from a file on your computer, use the Preferences form (see Search/SeqSearch-ChecklistSearch/SeqSearch-Checklist). This section also explains how users with administrator or subadministrator privileges can edit or delete saved searches.

Related topics
Opening the Search form
Using the New Query form
Working with search sets

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