November 16, 2020
Job Insecurity and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among U.S. Young Adults During COVID-19
Category: Article Summary
Topic: Mental Health and Personal Impact
Keywords (Tags): mental health personal impact
Job insecurity was associated with significant mental health burden among US young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. An analysis of data from the weekly Household Pulse Survey from the US Census Bureau collected in June 2020 indicated that 59% of respondents (n=4,852) aged 18 to 26 experienced direct or household employment loss since the start of the pandemic, and 38% expected to experience employment loss in the subsequent four weeks. There were statistically significant associations between recent employment loss or expected employment loss and symptoms of poor mental health on all four measures in the study.
Ganson et al. (Nov 2020). Job Insecurity and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression Among U.S. Young Adults During COVID-19. Journal of Adolescent Health.