Advanced Physical Diagnosis
  • Techniques
• Jugular Venous Pressure
• Jugular Waveforms
  • Demonstrations
Associated Evaluations
  • Patient HX
  • Physical Exam
  • Laboratory & Imaging
Differential Dx
Evidence Base
• Measurement of Jugular Venous Pressure
• Hepatojugular Reflux (HJR)
• Cardiac Hemodynamics
Teaching Tips
[Skill Modules >> Neck & Veins Examination >> History ]

History: Neck Veins

levels of elevationMany techniques have been described for the bedside measurement of central venous pressure. A commonly used technique is described in the Jugular Venous Pressure technique. This technique is based upon the premise established by Sir Thomas Lewis in 1930. Central venous pressure measurement obtained by assessing height of the jugular venous column is the same regardless of degree of elevation of the head of the subject.

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