Autism Speaks Walk 2016


The Bernier Lab and Seattle Children’s Autism Center participated in the Autism Speaks Walk at the Seattle Center on September 24, 2016.  More than 1,000 people attended, and more than $170,000 was raised in donations.  It was a beautiful, sunny, and active day filled with families, friends and supporters of Autism.

Attendees from the greater Seattle area were surrounded by allies as they made their way through the one mile walk which centered around a resource fair. Seattle Children’s and The Bernier Lab had one booth, but beyond research opportunities there were numerous resources for families and children. From music therapy to after school care options to therapy animals, the fair showed the rich amount of opportunities that are in our surrounding areas. The yearly walk is a great way to celebrate the Autism community and show the progress in care options that continue to be made year after year.