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Case #4 -
A 61 year old with crampy mid-abdominal pain

1.) Is there any additional history needed in this patient?  Answer 
2.) What are the initial steps in management of this patient which should be started in the ER?  Answer 
3.) What diagnostic studies do you want to do?  Answer 
4.) What lab tests need to be done?  Answer 
5.) What are the most common etiologies of small bowel obstruction? What is likely in this patient?  Answer 
6.) What are the differences between partial and complete small bowel obstruction? Is there a difference in management?  Answer 
7.) If treating conservatively, what are the indications for operation?  Answer 
8.) What complication of small bowel obstruction requires urgent operation?  Answer 
9.) What are the symptoms and signs of bowel necrosis?  Answer 
10.) If you have to operate and lyse adhesions, what is the chance obstruction will reoccur?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > SMALL INTESTINE AND APPENDIX - Case # 4