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Case #5 -
A 64 year old with progressive L leg pain

1.) What is intermittent claudication and what does it signify?  Answer 
2.) What are the main risk factors for peripheral arterial occlusive disease?  Answer 
3.) How do you do a thorough vascular examination?  Answer 
4.) What are diagnostic noninvasive tests that you should do for this patient to support your diagnosis?  Answer 
5.) What diseases are likely in this patient and which additional problems are most threatening?  Answer 
6.) What is the most important first step in management of this patient? How does this affect his prognosis?  Answer 
7.) What other things can you do that may help his symptoms?  Answer 
8.) If he does not improve and symptoms worsen, what intervention will you undertake?  Answer 
  The Virtual Patient > Case List > VASCULAR SURGERY - Case # 5