The AAUP 2015 awards were awarded to the following:
Extraordinary Chapter Service Award
Janelle Taylor: For shepherding AAUP-UW through the Great Recession as chapter treasurer, vice president, and president; and for being a leading voice of the loyal faculty at UW.
Squeaky Wheel
Ann Mescher: For her tireless efforts to advance the cause of providing accessible, quality childcare for members of the UW community.
Excellence in shared governance
Dan Jacoby: For promotion of shared governance and his leadership in establishing the AAUP campaign to advance the standing, respect and livelihoods of University of Washington lecturers and other contingent faculty.
Leadership award
University of Oregon United Academics, as represented by Michael Dreiling: For organizing the first faculty union at the University of Oregon, which now has one of the strongest academic freedom policies in the nation.
Courage in pursuit of excellence in Washington State higher education
Hugh Spitzer and Adam Sherman: For their collaborative work to establish the Constitutional case for adequately funding Washington State’s public universities.
Leadership award
AFT-UWELP Local 6486, as represented by president Richard Moore: For serving as the founding president of the first faculty union at the UW to successfully negotiate a contract for previously disenfranchised International and English Language Programs faculty.
Leadership award
Seattle University Adjuncts & Contingents Together, represented by Louisa Edgerly: For leadership in the struggle to unionize adjunct faculty at Seattle University.
Academic Freedom Award
Gerald Barnett: For his outstanding contributions to authoring the AAUP statements on intellectual property management and interaction with industry
Courage in Pursuit of Social Justice
Jon Greenberg: For his courage in undoing racism in Seattle public schools classrooms, despite Seattle Public School administrative attempts to interrupt his work.
Friend of the Faculty
Governor Jay Inslee: For nominating non-corporate Regents, with hopes for more.
Academic Freedom Award
Janelle Taylor, Gail Stygall, Sandy Silberstein and Christoph Giebel: For their work in the Faculty Senate and its Councils and Committees to enhance the codified protection of academic freedom at UW.
Courage in Pursuit of Social Justice
Kshama Sawant: For her leadership in “Fight for Fifteen” to uplift the living conditions of so many, including UW students and staff.
The AAUP 2014 awards included the following:
Academic Freedom Award: To the 2013/2014 Faculty Senate
For passing new legislation to safeguard academic freedom at the University of Washington.
The award will be presented at the May 15th, 2014 Senate Meeting.
Excellence in shared governance: Professor Jack Lee (Mathematics)
For strong and collegial leadership as Faculty Senate chair.
As Faculty Senate chair, Jack has worked tirelessly to introduce new faculty salary legislation, helped bring new
legislation safeguarding academic freedom, and has worked to repair the lecturer track at the UW.
Leadership Award: Professor Emeriti Raya Fidel (The Information School)
For long-term service to the AAUP-UW chapter and the state conference.
Raya continues to serve the chapter by frequently posting news items to the AAUP Faculty Issues and Concerns
listserver that are of interest to faculty.
Leadership Award: Professor Emeriti Jane Koenig (Environmental and Occupational Health)
For long-term service to the AAUP-UW chapter.
Jane is the longest serving active member of the chapter, has served as treasurer, and still attends most meetings.
Defender of higher education Award: John Burbank (The Economic Opportunity Institute, Seattle)
For creatively seeking pathways to reducing student debt and funding higher education.
John Burbank is executive director of the Economic Opportunity Institute, a public policy think tank and has worked
extensively on Pay-It-Forward, a concept for reducing student debt and financing higher education. He has an MPA
from the Graduate School of Public Affairs at the UW. John is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI)
The AAUP 2013 awards included the following:
Extraordinary Chapter Service Award: Listserver editors, particularly Galya Diment, Jim Gregory and Lucy Jarosz
For their long service moderating postings to the AAUP list server, thereby enabling faculty communication and discussion of issues of concern and importance to the UW and to higher education in general.
Academic Freedom Award: Warren Guntheroth [posthumous] Warren Guntheroth [1927-2012] was a long time AAUP activist and a “go to” person for faculty and staff heading into adjudication. In addition to his AAUP work, Prof. Guntheroth founded the department of Pediatric Cardiology and produced seminal work on the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome.
Academic Freedom Award: Glover Barnes [posthumous] For his service as a long-time AAUP activist and for maintaining the Washington State Committee A for academic freedom for well over a decade and for tireless promotion of diversity in the med schools.
Leadership Award: Susan Astley For promoting shared governance through leadership in the faculty senate and academic freedom for efforts as the inaugural chair of the Special Committee on Intellectual Property and Commercialization.
Courage in pursuit of excellence in Washington State higher education: Elizabeth Sunderman and Pamela Joseph For extraordinary leadership and advocacy to advance the conditions of Lecturers at the University of Washington
Excellence in Shared Governance: Jim Gregory For tireless promotion of shared governance, through creation of the “Faculty Issues and Concerns” list server, leadership roles in AAUP-UW, producing informative and important “State of the Faculty Report Cards,” and for serving as Chair of the Faculty Senate.
Squeaky Wheel Award: Duane Storti For tireless courage fighting for faculty interests and fair pay, for establishing the faculty code as a contractual force, for winning the entire faculty a blatantly denied raise, and for defending shared governance at critical times and for his service to AAUP at the chapter and national level.
Friend of the Faculty award: Ana Mari Cauce For her continued willingness to work for the interests of the faculty and for beginning the process of repairing the lecturer track at the UW.
About the AAUP awards at the UW:
Beginning 2013, the UW Chapter of AAUP began its award program, recognizing outstanding contributions of UW faculty members and others to the mission of AAUP. The AAUP awards include the following:
- Academic Freedom
- Excellence in shared governance
- Leadership
- Defender of higher education
- Courage in pursuit of social justice
The Academic Freedom award is given to the faculty member who should be recognized for an outstanding contribution to academic freedom, preferably during the preceding year. This person may have demonstrated an effective use of academic freedom, or may have defended the academic freedom of others—perhaps in a particular case, or in terms of developing policy or mechanisms that protect academic freedom.
The Excellence in Shared Governance award is intended to recognize the outstanding person who has promoted shared governance in an important way. The commitment to shared governance would be reflected the ability of the candidate to work with multiple constituencies (please provide supporting evidence or examples), the capacity to bring about effective change, and the ability to communicate to multiple constituencies about the importance of shared governance.
The Leadership award is intended to reward outstanding contributions in chapter leadership that advance the mission of the organization, or the capacity to carry out that mission.
The Defender of Higher Education award is intended to honor outstanding work to defend public higher education from erosion, either of funding or mission. This would likely be a person external to the UW who serves in the legislative or other policy making arenas where higher education policy is made.
The Courage in Pursuit of Social Justice award is not necessarily given every year, but when appropriate we will confer this award on the person who stood up for truth, justice and fairness in defense of principle even at some risk to career.