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Methodology Pilot AIDS Research Center (M-PARC) Award

The University of Washington Behavioral Research Center for HIV (UW BIRCH) invites pilot study applications focused on research methodologies to help understand and ameliorate the confluence of challenges created by mental health and substance use disorders with HIV risk and infection.





RFA Released: September 18, 2023

Applications Due: November 19, 2023 at 11:59 pm PST

Notification: December 10, 2023 

Estimated Award Period: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024



The purpose of the BIRCH M-PARC awards is to advance new methods in research related to mental health and HIV. Responsive applications will propose either a new methodological approach, or a novel application of existing methods. Proposed methods may be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods. We expect that this pilot work will lead to a larger extramural grant application. 


Funding Available

Awards will be up to $25,000/year (direct costs) for a one-year project from the UW BIRCH M-PARC program. All allowable expenses must adhere to applicable University of Washington policies. Examples of allowable and unallowable expenses are listed here.


Applicant Eligibility 

Applicants must: 

  1. Be a current member of the UW faculty or a PI-eligible research scientist at UW. This mechanism is open to both early-career investigators as well as more senior researchers. 
  2. Be a UW BIRCH member, or have applied for membership at the time of proposal submission.

UW BIRCH values diversity and encourages individuals from underrepresented groups to apply. Contact if you have questions about eligibility. 


Types of Projects

We seek submissions that demonstrate a high probability of generating important new methodological approaches or understanding, and advance the mission of the UW BIRCH center. Pilot grant applications should not be an extension of well-established, ongoing, or recently funded studies or projects, and should not be used as bridge funding for existing work.Proposals with clear links to integrated care needs of community partners and/or specifically about understanding and addressing health disparities will be prioritized. Please contact us with any questions throughout the process at  


Pre-Award Requirements

Per NIH policy, UW BIRCH may not release pilot research funds until awardees complete the NIH administrative clearance process. Clearance will require final IRB approval from all participating institutions and documentation of human subjects training from all investigators. This process may take several weeks, so please consider it in your timeline. More information on NIH requirements for international studies can be found at: 

Projects that are unable to complete the NIH clearance process within one year of award date are at risk of losing funding. 


Submission Instructions

Please submit all application materials as one PDF file to by 11:59 PM PDT on Thursday, November 19, 2023. The application, letters of support, and any other supporting documentation must be combined into a single PDF.


Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions regarding this pilot research grant or the application process: Sherly Herrera- BIRCH Program Manager