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More implementation science resources

Other Key IS Resources

  • University of Washington’s Implementation Science Resource Hub: A great place to learn about implementation science. Includes a step-by-step guide to conducting IS research!
  • World Health Organization’s Implementation Research Resources: Includes the WHO IS Toolkit!
  • The Dissemination and Implementation Models Webtool is an interactive resource that allows users to explore how IS models theories and frameworks can be applied to different phases of implementation
  • The IS Resource Navigator is an organized database of key implementation science websites and resources. Resources are categorized by IS topic to ease navigating the many implementation science resources that exist online.
  • The National Implementation Research Network’s website includes a series of training modules and learning materials aimed at increasing researchers’ knowledge of implementation science.
  • The NIH’s Fogarty International Center put together this great toolkit aimed at furthering implementation science skills amongst researchers and implementers working in low- and middle-income settings.
  • Northwestern’s HIV Implementation Science Coordination Initiative (ISCI) has developed two sets of curricula to support Researchers and Practitioners in learnings about implementation science

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