Medical Student Rotations at Seattle Children's

PEDS 675 Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Self-scheduling this elective: PEDS 675 CIM is a self-directed elective. Students are required to make their own schedule AND clear it with Dr. Crystal Rose Cuellar, interim course director, prior to their start date.  It is recommended that you start to create your schedule at least 6-8 weeks prior to your start date. This How To document will help you get started.  Here is the referenced Bibliography. If you would like to schedule shifts at Bastyr Center for Natural Health, you must review the information here first. Please note that this elective includes a required paper on a CIM topic of your choice which is due on or before the last day of your elective. The How To document provides further details. Where to report: After you have completed the sign-in and badging process in the Medical Student Office, you are clear to report to your first scheduled experience.

Network & EMR Access at SCH, Remote Access Info & WiFi at SCH

Network and EMR Access at SCH: Students on this rotation are required to be up-to-date with any required SCH web-based EMR and safety training modules. You will receive information from the Medical Student Office on how to complete any required modules. Once you have completed the modules and the required sign-in and badging process, you will be given network and EMR access. To log into the Network at SCH, use the username provided by the Medical Student Office and password you set when you completed the web-based training.  You wil be prompted to change your password. SCH passwords must be at least 10 characters and include at least three of the following: one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, one special character. This is the same username and password you will use to login to the EMR.

Remote Network and EMR Access: In addition to access at SCH, medical students on this rotation have remote network and EMR access through the Okta Verify system. Follow the steps on the Remote Access Help Page to register with Okta Verify.

WiFi Access at SCH: Students can connect to WiFi at SCH through the Personal Device Network (CHILD).

Accessing Epic on your phone

The Epic Haiku app allows providers to access a limited version of EpicCare. To get Haiku on your phone, download Microsoft Intune, Children’s mobile device management system app, by following the instructions (Steps 1 & 2) here. There’s info for Android and iPhones and a handy FAQ.

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