Medical Student Rotations at Seattle Children's

PEDS 665 Required Educational Sessions

Development Learning Session 

  • In-person at SCH. Check your personal schedule for location.
  • Pre-work: none 
  • During this session, you will learn about normal growth and development of children. 


  • In-person at SCH. Check your personal schedule for location.
  • Pre-work: none 
  • During this session, you will participate in a simulation caring for pediatric patients experiencing acute illness. 

Aquifer Pediatric Active Learning Module: Fever 

  • In-person at SCH. Check your personal schedule for location.
  • Pre-work: To prepare for this exercise we recommend completing Aquifer cases 10, 17, 23 prior to the session as they provide a clinical background related to the evaluation and management of children with fever. 
  • During this session, you will begin with a short problem set that will help you to assess your understanding of the core knowledge related to fever in the pediatric patient. After this you will work together as a group to evaluate a case of a child with a fever. 

Bio-Ethics Learning Session

  • Zoom link here.
  • During this session, you will discuss common pediatric bio-ethical issues with a member of the SCH Division of Bio-Ethics.

Advocacy Workshop 

  • Zoom link here.
  • Pre-work: To prepare for the Advocacy workshop, please review the following materials: 
  1. A recent article from the Seattle Times about water safety education here.
  2. Article from AAP News about traveling with children with special needs here.
  • During this session, you will explore ways physicians can serve as advocates for their patients.
  • Here’s a great list of resources for the session!

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