ACES: Association of Chemical Engineering Graduate Students

April 8, 2019

2013 Graduate Student Symposium

The Sixth Annual Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Symposium

Thursday, September 19, 2013
Location: Mary Gates Hall, Room 389  (3rd floor auditorium)
Campus Map

The Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Symposium will be held on September 19th. This event provides an excellent opportunity for graduate students to share their work with representatives from industry. For industry representatives this event is a chance to learn about the exciting research being done at the UW, meet future research leaders, and help improve the quality of graduate education in the Chemical Engineering department.

Our keynote speaker is Jud Virden, Associate Lab Director for the Energy and Environment Directorate at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

Click here for full Symposium Program

Symposium Schedule

9:30 am Coffee and Light Breakfast
10:15 am Welcoming Remarks
10:20 am Oral Session #1
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Graduate Student Poster Competition
3:00 pm Keynote Address from Dr. Jud Virden
4:00 pm Break
4:10 pm Oral Session #2
5:50 pm Closing Remarks, Poster Awards, and Thank You’s

 List of Presenters

Time Presenter Title
10:15am Professor Pozzo Welcoming Remarks
10:20am Brandon Coyle Affinity tag and process for purification of recombinant proteins
10:40am Christopher Wolcott The Energetics of –CH3, -CH2, and –CH on Pt(111) Studied by Single Crystal Adsorption Calorimetry
11:00am Trent Silbaugh Single crystal adsorption calorimetry: experimental benchmarks for heterogeneous catalyst
11:20am Qing Shao Mechanisms of Difference between Carboxybetaine and Ethylene Glycol Materials in Affecting Biological Systems: a Molecular Simulation Study
11:40am Amanda Lee Smith Development of a Novel One-Carbon Assimilation Pathway in E. coli
3:00pm                  Dr. Jud Virden   My career addressing National R&D challenges at Pacific Northwest National Lab (aka…what I have been up to the last 22 years since I left the UW ChemE department)
4:10pm Matthew Gacek Factors influencing particle charge in apolar media
4:30pm James Matthaei Engineered 2D Protein Arrays for Efficient Production of Tumor-Reactive T cells
4:50pm Benjamin Rutz Improvement of Interfacial Shear Strength Using Electrostatically Deposited Silica Nano-particles
5:10pm Andrew Collord Rapid Screening of Photovoltaic Materials
5:30pm Ann Kasia Nowinski Nature-Inspired Peptide-Coated Gold Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
5:50pm Closing Remarks, Poster Awards, and Acknowledgments