Anna Blazejewska

Senior Fellow

phone: +1 206 685 2089


I obtained MA in philosophy/cognitive science (2006) and MSc in computer science/software engineering (2008) at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland. During my PhD in Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Center in Nottingham, UK, I was involved in projects investigating in vivo and post mortem tissue properties based on ultra high field MRI, especially related to the nurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.


Journal Papers

  • A.I. Blazejewska, A.M. Al-Radaideh, S. Wharton, S.Y. Lim, R.W. Bowtell, C.S. Constantinescu, P.A. Gowland, Increase in the iron content of the substantia nigra and red nucleus in multiple sclerosis and clinically isolated syndrome: a 7T MRI study, Journal of MRI, 05/2014.

  • R. Abdel-Fahim, N. Mistry, O. Mougin, A.I. Blazejewska, A. Pitiot, R. Retkute, P. Gowland, N. Evangelou, Improved detection of focal cortical lesions using 7T magnetization transfer imaging in patients with multiple sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 11/2013.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S.T. Shwarz, A. Pitiot, M.C. Stephenson, J. Lowe, N. Bajaj, R.W. Bowtell, D.P. Auer, P.A. Gowland, In vivo imaging of nigrosome loss in Parkinson's disease, Neurology, 2013, 81:534-540.

  • V. Gupta, W. Ambrosius, Q. Qian, A.I. Blazejewska, R. Kazmierski, A. Urbanik, W.L. Nowinski, Automatic segmentation of cerebrospinal fluid, white and gray matter in unenhanced computed tomography images, Academic Radiology, 2010, 17(11):1350-8.

  • Conference Proceedings

  • A. I. Blazejewska, S. Seshamani, X. Cheng, Ch. Gatenby, C. Studholme,Combined between slice motion and susceptibility distortion correction for fMRI with extreme motion, ISMRM Motion Correction Workshop 2014, Tromso, Norway (oral persentation).

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S.T. Schwarz, A. Pitiot, M.C. Stephenson, J. Lowe, N. Bajaj, R. Bowtell, D.P. Auer, P.A. Gowland, In vivo 7T imaging of nigrosome loss in Parkinson's disease, ISMRM 2013.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S.T. Schwarz, S. Wharton, R. Bowtell, D.P. Auer, P.A. Gowland, Imaging of the nigrosomes of the substantia nigra at 3T, ISMRM 2013.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S. Wharton, S.T. Schwarz, J. Lowe, D.P. Auer, R. Bowtell, P.A. Gowland, Comparison with histology of quantitative MR properties of the brain stem tissue in 3T and 7T, ISMRM 2013 (oral presentation).

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S. Wharton, M.C. Stephenson, S.T. Schwarz, L.A. Martin, M.J. Brooks, Darren Price, P.G. Morris, D.P. Auer, N. Bajaj, P.A. Gowland, Heterogeneity of the substantia nigra and red nucleus in Parkinson's disease based on the 7T MR images, MDS 2012.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S. Wharton, J. Lowe, D.P. Auer, N. Bajaj, R.W. Bowtell, P.A. Gowland, Correlation of T2* and susceptibility mapping with histochemistry in the SN, ISMRM 2012 (oral presentation).

  • A.I. Blazejewska, A. Al-Radaideh, O. Mougin, S.Y. Lin, R.W. Bowtell, C.S. Constantinescu, P.A. Gowland, Peri-lesional White Matter changes in Clinically Isolated Syndrome suggestive of Demyelination in MTR and MPRAGE at 7T, ISMRM 2012 (oral presentation).

  • A.I. Blazejewska, O. Mougin, R. Abdel-Fahim, N. Mistry, R.W. Bowtell, N. Evangelou, P.A. Gowland, Detection of the Grey Matter Lesion in MTR and MPRAGE in 7T, ISMRM 2012.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, A. Al-Radaideh, S. Wharton, S.Y. Lin, C.S. Constantinescu, R.W. Bowtell, P.A. Gowland, Increase in the Iron Content of the Substantia Nigra and Red Nucleus in Multiple Sclerosis/Clinically Isolated Syndrome using 7T MRI, ISMRM 2012.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S. Wharton, A. Pitoit, A. Lotfipour, S. Schwarz, J. Lowe, D.P. Auer, N. Bajaj, R.W. Bowtell, P.A. Gowland, The anatomy of human substantia nigra with ultra high field MRI, MDS 2011.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S. Wharton, A. Pitoit, A. Lotfipour, S. Schwarz, J. Lowe, D.P. Auer, R.W. Bowtell, P.A. Gowland, The anatomy of human substantia nigra based on in vivo and post mortem magnetic resonance data and susceptibility mapping, ISMRM 2011.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S. Wharton, P.A. Gowland, R. Bowtell, Understanding the effects of oriented susceptibility inclusions on the phase and magnitude of gradient echo signals, ISMRM 2011.

  • A.I. Blazejewska, S. Wharton, P.A. Gowland, R.W. Bowtell, Effects of susceptibility inclusions on the phase and magnitude of gradient echo signals, British Chapter of ISMRM 2010.
