Sharmishtaa Seshamani, PhD

Senior Fellow

phone: +1 206 685 2089


I obtained my PhD in 2011 from the department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. My research interests include medical imaging, computer vision and machine learning.


Resting State Analysis of the Moving Fetal Brain
The fetal brain poses several challenges in fMRI due to its large uncontrolled motion and lack of tissue contrast. Therefore, the processing pipeline for fetal fMRI calls for development of several methods for dealing with the behavior of this data. In particular, some of the problems encountered include: volume motion, slice motion, spin history artifacts, bias artifacts. We are interested in developing methods that address some of these challanges that can lead to a pipeline for fMRI analysis of the moving fetal brain.

Previous Work - Capsule Endoscopy
Capsule endoscopy (CE) has recently emerged as a valuable imaging technology for the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. With this technology, it has become possible to directly evaluate the gut mucosa of patients with a variety of conditions. However, evaluation of capsule endoscopic imagery presents numerous practical challenges. We are interested in creating a tool for semi-automated, objective, quantitative assessment of pathologic findings in capsule endoscopic data, and in particular, quantitative assessment of lesions that appear in Crohn's disease of the small bowel.


Journal Papers

  • S. Seshamani, X. Cheng, M. Fogtmann, M. Thomason, C. Studholme, A Method for Handling Intensity Inhomogenieties in fMRI Sequences of Moving Anatomy of the Early Developing Brain Medical Image Analysis, In Press

  • M. Fogtmann, S. Seshamani, C. Kroenke, X. Cheng, T. Chapman, J. Wilm, F. Rousseau, M. Koob, J.-L. Dietemann, C. Studholme A unified approach to diffusion direction sensitive slice registration and 3D DTI reconstruction from resolving moving fetal brain anatomy IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, In Press

  • S. Seshamani, R. Kumar, G. Mullin, T. Dassopoulos, G.D. Hager, "A Meta Method for Image Matching", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, September, 2011

  • R. Kumar, Q. Zhao, S. Seshamani, G. Mullin, G. Hager, T. Dassopoulos, Assessment of Crohn's Disease Lesions in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Imaging 2011

  • Conference Papers and Abstracts

  • M. Liu, S. Seshamani, L. Harrylock, A. Kitsch, S. Miller, V. Chau, K. Poskitt, F. Rousseau, C. Studholme Spatially adapted augmentation of age-specific atlas-based segmentation using patch-based priors, SPIE Medical Imaging, 2014

  • S. Seshamani, M. Fogtmann, X.Cheng, M. Thomason, C. Gatenby, C. Studholme Cascaded Slice to Volume Registration for Moving Fetal fMRI.", ISBI 2013.

  • X. Cheng, J. Wilm, S. Seshamani, M. Fogtmann, C. Kroenke and C. Studholme. Adapting Parcellation Schemes to Study Fetal Brain Connectivity in Serial Imaging Studies, IEEE EMBS, 2013

  • S. Seshamani, G.Chintalapani, R.H. Taylor Iterative Refinement of Point Correspondences for 3D Statistical Shape Models ", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2011. pdf

  • S. Seshamani, G. Chintalapani, R.H. Taylor, " Alternative statistical methods for bone atlas modeling.", SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging, 2011 pdf

  • S. Seshamani, R. Kumar, T. Dassopoulos, G. Mullin, G. D. Hager, "Augmenting Capsule Endoscopy Diagnosis: A Similarity Learning Approach.", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2010. pdf

  • S. Seshamani , P. Rajan, R. Kumar, H. Girgis, T. Dassopoulos, G. Mullin, G.D. Hager,"A Meta Registration Framework for Lesion Matching.", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2009. pdf

  • S. Seshamani, R. Kumar, P. Rajan, S. Bejakovic, G. Mullin, T. Dassopoulos, G.D. Hager, "Detecting Registration Failure.", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). pp. 726--729, 2009. Oral. pdf

  • R. Kumar, P. Rajan, S. Bejakovic, S. Seshamani, G. Mullin, T. Dassopoulos, G. Hager, "Learning Disease Severity for Capsule Endoscopy Images.", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). pp. 1314--1317, 2009. pdf

  • S. Seshamani, M. D. Smith, J. J. Corso, M. O. Filipovich, A. Natarajan, G. D. Hager, "Direct Global Adjustment Methods for Endoscopic Mosaicking.", SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging, 2009. pdf

  • S. Seshamani, W. Lau, G. D. Hager, "Real-Time Endoscopic Mosaicking.", Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). 2006. pp. 355-363 pdf

  • Abstracts

  • A. Kitsch, M. Liu, S. Seshamani, L. Harrylock, S. Miller, V. Chau, K. Poskitt, R. Grunau, A. Synnes, C. Studholme "Regional neonatal brain tissue volumes after premature birth and neurocognitive delay at 18 months", OHBM 2014

  • L. Harrylock, A. Kitsch, M. Liu, S. Seshamani, S. Miller, V. Chau, K.Poskitt, A. Synnes, C. Studholme "Brainstem Volume After Premature Birth and Developmental Outcome at 18 Months", OHBM 2014

  • X. Cheng, M. Fogtmann, C. Kroenke, S. Seshamani, J. Wilm, C. Studholme Using Graph Theory to Study the Development of Fetal Brain Connectivity. OHBM 2013

  • S. Seshamani, C. Gatenby, M. Fogtmann, X. Cheng, M. Dighe, C. Studholme Combining R2* Maps and Slice Registration for fMRI Analysis of Moving Subjects ", ISMRM. 2013.

  • X. Cheng, J. Wilm, M. Fogtmann, S. Seshamani, C. Croenke and C. Studholme Evaluating Multiplane Fetal DTI Motion Correction and Reconstruction with Fiber Tracking, BMES, 2012

  • M. Fogtmann, T. Chapman, K. Kim, S. Seshamani, C. Studholme. A unified approach for motion-estimation and super-resolution reconstruction from structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging on moving subjects", MICCAI Workshop on Perinatal and Paediatric Imaging: PaPI 2012.

  • S. Seshamani, M. Fogtmann, M. Thomason, C. Studholme Resting State Analysis of the Moving Fetal Brain?", ISMRM. 2012.

  • T. Dassopoulos, R. Kumar, S. Bejakovic, P. Rajan, S. Seshamani, G. Mullin, G.D. Hager, "Automated Detection and Assessment of Crohns Disease Lesions in Images from Wireless Capsule Endoscopy." Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2009, poster of distinction, 2009.

  • S. Seshamani, C. Riviere, J. T. Handa, L. Lobes, G. D. Hager, " Visual Measurement of Microsurgical Motion with Application to Robotic Augmentation", Northeast Bioengineering Conference, pages 39-40, 2006

  • Thesis

  • S. Seshamani, Meta Methods for Computer-Aided Endoscopic Image Analysis Ph.D. Thesis. Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, August 2011