Report Timeline

Report Information:

2001 Dean’s Report Timeline
July 2000
U.S. News & World Report ranks UW Medical Center ranks 14th among the nation’s major medical centers.
UW alumnus John C. Anderson named Washington state’s Family Physician of the Year.
Department of Orthopaedics adds sports medicine to its official name.
Researchers map crystal structure of rhodopsin. See related article.
Neonatologist Peter Tarzcy-Hornoch named to NIH National Human Genome Research Institute’s Ethical, Legal and Social Implications Subcommittee.
Gene and Cell Therapy Core Laboratory opens in newly remodeled General Clinical Research Center. See related article.
Researchers map Pseudomona genome. See related article.
Wrangell, Alaska welcomes first family medicine clerkship student.
UW alumna Cathy Baldwin-Johnson named Alaska state's Family Physician of the Year.
Neurological surgery’s George Ojemann receives 2000 K.J. Zulch Prize from Max Planck Society and Gertrud Reemtsma Foundation of Germany.
Pediatric surgeon John H.T. Waldhausen leads team separating conjoined twin sisters. See related article.
NIH funds study of molecular biology of stem cells.
Pharmacologist William Catterall and School of Medicine Dean Paul Ramsey elected to Institute of Medicine.
Pathologist Charles Murry receivesPresidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers.
UW Academic Medical Center and other King County hospitals in participate in terrorist attack drill.
NIH funds study of genetic variation. See related article.
Cooperative center for hepatitis C research created. See related article.
UW-based Western Rehabilitation Research Resource Network established. See related article.
WIN the Rockies rural-health project launched to improve diet and increase activity among Wyoming, Idaho and Montana residents.
American College of Physicians names UW President Emeritus John R. Hogness and Anchorage pulmonary medicine specialist Norman Wilder Physician Laureates.
Commission on Cancer of American College of Surgeons designates VA Puget Sound a Comprehensive Cancer Center/Teaching Hospital.
Medical student David Buck elected American Medical Association student section chair.
January 2001
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance outpatient clinic opens. See related article.
Child magazine ranks Seattle’s Children's Hospital third among nation’s pediatric hospitals.
China Partnership Project to assist faculty development at Sichuan University, People’s Republic of China.
Alumnus Jack Riggs sworn in as Idaho’s lieutenant governor.
Rosetta algorithm predicts three-dimensional protein structure. See related article.
Integrated Human Function Team will study biomedicine in space.
UW hosts first Mini-Medical School.
MEDEX Northwest assistant director receives Public Health Service Primary-Care Policy Fellowship.
6.8-magnitude earthquake hits Puget-Sound area at 10:54 a.m. PST on February 28.
Idaho funds two more seats for WWAMI-Idaho medical students.
U.S. News & World Report ranks UW School of Medicine as nation's top educator in primary care, family medicine and rural health.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation contributes Tribal Connections Project at UW and National Library of Medicine.
Medical geneticist Marshal S. Horwitz receives 2001 Burroughs Wellcome Fund Clinical Scientist Award in Translational Research.
Molecular biotechnologist Philip Green and radiation oncologist Mark Groudine elected to National Academy of Sciences.
UW hosts first Minority Health and Health Disparities Fair.
UW Health Sciences Library funded to serve in National Network of Libraries of Medicine.
Proposed changes stemming from intensive review of medical school curriculum approved.
First class of WWAMI-Wyoming medical students graduates.
UW researchers describe regulatory mechanisms for two members of new ion channels family.

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