ENGL 599 (C LIT)C -- Autumn Quarter 2008

Special Seminar: Publication Workshop Brown Th 3:30-5:20

Publication colloquium. This will be a workshop to take a course or conference paper or dissertation chapter you have written and revise it with a view to submitting it for publication. We will meet weekly for two hours. In the fall quarter we will read and discuss two essays per week. Two students and I will present written readers' reports on each essay. In winter quarter, each participant will present a revision for discussion together with information about likely target journals.
The colloquium is offered for ungraded credit. It does not count toward your degree, but will appear on your transcript. Enrolling implies a firm commitment to continue for both quarters, potentially at a different time in the winter.
Students who are past the M.A. degree in any field of literary and cultural studies are welcome. Admission is by permission of the instructor. Time constraints limit the group to 14. In the past it has been possible to accommodate just about everyone, and I hope that will again be the case, but I can't promise. To reserve a space, please email the following to mbrown@u.washington.edu: 1) a copy of the paper you wish to revise; 2) a list of courses you have taken, with the topic of the course, instructor, and grade; and 3) a brief description (1/2 page is typical) of where you stand in your studies, the dissertation topic or the focus of your work, and if appropriate an explanation of any anomalies (such as multiple incompletes, low grades, blank quarters) on your transcript. If you already have publications or have presented conference papers, you can also list them or add a CV, but prior public presentation is not a prerequisite. Please send the materials by Sept. 15. Late requests will be honored at my discretion, contingent on space available.
The initial meeting, on Oct. 2, place to be announced, will be a forum on essay publication procedures and strategies, open to all. The colloquium proper will begin the following week.

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