ENGL 508 -- Quarter 2007

Critical Methodology (w/CLit 508 & French 576) M 1:30-5:20

Critical Methodology

Basic scholarly tools of bibliography; historical review of literary doctrine; an introduction to critical methodology.

An introductory survey of some of the foundational texts of Western literary practice and theory from the middle ages and early modern periods. Texts will not be limited to "literary theory" per se (aesthetics, philosophy, poetics, etc.), but will include a range of texts influential in political, religious and scientific spheres. Thus, this class might better be categorised under the rubric of "History of Ideas". Particular attention will be given to humanism, as a category and as a movement. Authors include Machiavelli, Erasmus, Calvin and Luther, Descartes, Sidney, Bacon, Locke, Rousseau.

Class will be conducted in English. Students in French Studies should try to do readings of French authors in the original, where possible.

Small, seminar-style. Participation expected, and required to succeed. Students must prepare by doing assigned reading.

Class Assignments and Grading: Regular and active participation is expected of all students. There will be one oral presentation, one abstract (1-2 pages), one annotated bibliography (2 pages) and one final paper (10-15 pages). Students will also bring reading questions to class.

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