ENGL 546 -- Quarter 2004

Virginia Woolf and Contemporary Critical Thought TTh 11:30-1:20

In this seminar we'll read some of Woolf's work in the context of recent topics of interest in theory and criticism. The course might have been called something like, "Woolf And. . ." because it is designed both to read Woolf AND to become acquainted with such recent thinking as that on modernism and modernity, thing theory, studies in the everyday, discourses of emotion and affect, theories of reading, auto/biography, gender and sexuality study, consumer culture, the city and other places/spaces, and textual studies. We'll see how Woolf might be provocatively and productively discussed in recent contexts, and more generally, how literary critical conversation has changed in the years since Woolf's death in 1941. The point is both to read some Woolf and to learn about recent directions in contemporary critical thought. Students are free to select the critical/theoretical topic they'd most like to investigate, and the Woolf text they'd most like to read with intensity.

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