ENGL 576A -- Spring Quarter 2015

Testing & Evaluation of ESOL Nazemi TTh 10:30-12:20 13911

Evaluation and testing of English language proficiency, including testing theory, types of tests, and teacher-preparation of classroom tests. Prerequisite: ENGL 571 and ENGL 572 or permission of instructor.

This course will cover the key concepts and current issues insecond/foreign language testing and assessment. We will discuss standardized high-stakes language tests and their impact, but the bulk of the course will focus ondeveloping your skills in test creation and quality assurance. Our work on classroom-based assessment will be conducted within the context of the English Language Program at UW. In groups, you will write test specifications for creating tests for one of the UW ELP courses and actually create a test. You may be able to pilot your test in the ELP and then statistically analyze how well it worked to achieve the goals of the specifications. Along the way, you will learn about developmental feedback using rubrics and other instruments as well as non-test based assessment including the use of portfolios.

Student learning goals:
To learn some basic principles and procedures of language assessment.
To encourage reflection, critique and awareness of current issues in language assessment.
To gain basic skills for developing fair and effective tests and giving pedagogically sound developmental feedback in the classroom context.
To gain basic statistical skills in analyzing test data for validity, reliability and item analysis.

General method of instruction:
The primary method of instruction will be peer instruction. There will be some up-front teacher talk but more often you will become specialists in certain areas, and you will share your expertise with your peers.

Recommended preparation:
Reflect on your prior experiences with language testing and assessment as a student and teacher or administrator.
Pay attention to how assessments are created and used in UW ELP classes if you are currently in practicum or TA-ship.
Develop basic familiarity with Microsoft Excel if you do not already feel comfortable with it.

Class assignments and grading:
In addition to weekly readings and written responses to the course topics, we will have a few small essay or presentation assignments and a number of assignments making up the focal, final project of test creation and analysis for the ELP. Grades will be based on assignments and class participation in the form of group work, peer teaching, presentations and other in-class tasks.


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