ENGL 510 -- Autumn Quarter 2004

Recent and Contemporary Critical Theory (w/Clit 510) Cummings TTh 11:30-1:20

Designed as a genealogy of contemporary critical theory, this seminar looks back to modernity: to Nietzsche on the genealogical method, to Marx on capital and to formative structuralist practices--most notably Freud's speculations on sexuality and Althusser's materialist reading of ideology. Derrida and Foucault exemplify the poststructuralist turn. The practices with which these theorists are identified inform contemporary critiques of capital, (trans)nationalism, race, sexuality, gender, and class. A short list of critics we're likely to read includes: Balibar, Bhabha, Butler, Edelman, Lowe, Probyn, Spillers, and Zizek. Informed class discussion and annotated bibliography are required.

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