ENGL 581A -- Winter Quarter 2017

Advanced Fiction Workshop Bosworth W 4:00-7:40p 14408

Longer Literary Forms

This course offers a non-theoretical, specimen-oriented study of longer
prose forms, viewing the challenges of composition from the perspective
of the writer. Are there a set of common challenges faced by all
prospective authors of book-length works of literature, whether novels
or creative nonfiction? How do those authors’ formal decisions relate to
the literary, political, and cultural contexts of their day, and to
their own thematic obsessions? How are traditional genres and techniques
adapted to fulfill individual or idiosyncratic ambitions, or to exploit
radical technological innovations? We will be reading together seven or
eight moderate-length texts. Requirements include a brief written
response (of various sorts) to each, and a final project that focuses on
a book of the student’s own choosing.

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