ENGL 562A -- Spring Quarter 2017

Discourse Analysis Sandhu MW 12:30-2:20 13983

The goals of the seminar are threefold: (1) to acquaint students with approaches to and research in discourse analysis, (2) to provide a forum for evaluating this work, and (3) to provide opportunities to students to engage in discourse analytic methods in relation to texts, sites, and questions of consequence to them. This course will work as an introduction to some of the major approaches to studying oral and written texts. Various analytic perspectives will be examined such as: conversation analysis, interview analysis, narrative analysis, critical discourse analysis, etc. The course readings will explore the theoretical underpinnings which inform these approaches as well as study how these methods are applied to the analysis of oral and/or written data. The (con)texts examined could include classroom interactions, qualitative research interviews, conversational data, mass media and popular culture, political speeches, policy documents, and texts of special interest to seminar members. Multiple data workshops will provide seminar members with ample opportunities to actively engage in varied types of discourse analysis in-class. Seminar members will conceptualize, plan, conduct, analyze, and write-up a discourse analytical research project thereby deepening their understanding of a specific (or combined) discourse analytical approach/es.

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