ENGL 569A -- Spring Quarter 2017

Writing (and Language) Program Administration Stygall MW 9:30-11:20 13984

Post-graduation, becoming a writing program or second language writing program director is common for graduates who complete course work in language and rhetoric. This course is designed to explicitly take up the broad questions facing writing program administrators. Being a WPA is rarely just about the nuts and bolts of administering a number of courses. What’s in those courses, how it matches the institutional mission of the school, the financial constraints, the ethics of hiring part-time faculty and graduate students—all of these questions are at the forefront of what a WPA does. It is not really a surprise that WPAs often become department chairs, deans, and faculty governance leaders. We’ll read both about the specifics of writing programs and about universities at larger and the contexts in which they exist.


Reiff, et al. Ecologies of Writing Programs: Program Profiles in Context. Parlor Press, 2015

               Available as e-book UW Library

Malenczyk, Rita, ed. A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators, 2nd ed. Parlor Press, 2015

               1st ed available as e-book but this book might be a good investment.

Martins, David S., ed. Transnational Writing Program Administration. U Press of CO, 2015

Prendergast, Catherine. Buying into College English. Pittsburgh: U Pitt Press

               Available as e-book UW Library

Miller, Richard E. As If Learning Mattered. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1998.

               Available as e-book UW Library

Janangelo, Joseph, ed.   A Critical Look at Institutional Mission. Parlor 2016.

Stanley, Jane. The Rhetoric of Remediation. Pittsburgh: U Pitt Press, 2010.

               Available as e-book UW Library

Newfield, Christopher. Unmaking the Public University. Boston: Harvard UP, 2008.

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